The rest of the day or night, she just walks through, pushing it casually to the side, but for some reason the morning isn't complete without that last crashing run. I come in, fix my tea and start in on emails while she goes back to finish her breakfast and then jumps on the end of the bed to pass out for the first long sleep of the day.
Sans computer, I was out in the yard much longer, she wasn't eating right, and was sulky as only a cat can be...sulky with an indifferent disdain that carries a not indifferent weight to it. I didn't bother explaining anything as anyone knows that cats know everything and remonstrations are useless at best and annoyingly insulting at worst.
Afternoon found us at our usual spots; me in a chair in the gazebo reading (yes, I'm sorry, you who, like my dear daughter in Portland, are in 0 weather while I laze out in shorts, tee's and barefoot feeling a little chilly in the high 70's of afternoon, I really am sorry!), she on an opposite chair I use as a foot rest, hoping against hope that the hummers, so very near yet so far, would make one little mistake for her murderous amusement. No dice.
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