Saturday, January 9, 2010

No, Virginia, it's not the same Ovaltine anymore

Yesterday, our second day of chilly, overcast weather, led me, nay, dragged me to the market to buy some Ovaltine. I'd had the idea the day before but it was after six and no place to buy it and it was raining anyway. So the idea was left to foment my desire for that peppled malty goodness that I hadn't tasted in, a rough guess, 30 years or more.

There it was, on the shelf. A big container (not looking like the above), bigger than I really wanted (because I really just wanted one warm cup of it, any container would have been too big), but after watching my hand quiver toward the shelf five or six times I grabbed the thing, bought it and headed home.

It sat there on the counter, a held off pleasure, because it was still early in the afternoon and I wanted to wait just a little longer, just to see if I could. I had this mad dog fear of opening it and dipping in a spoon and eating half of it in a rush of Ovaltine gluttony...a little mental discipline was obviously needed.

At last I was ready. Taking off the plastic lid and tearing back the foil sealing I was immediately stunned. Where were the pebbles? Where was the wafting aroma of malt? WHERE WAS MY OVALTINE??? I didn't dare taste it from the spoon because I wasn't ready to concede my memory and my reality were on a hard collision course. Into the pan went the milk and followed the Ovaltine. It warmed. Poured into the mug, I sipped. I sipped again. No. A travesty! This was not Ovaltine, this was some rogue imposter. And not a good one either. Think Nestle's Quick gone bad, if something with that many chemicals in it could ever go bad. Malt? I tasted no malt. I washed out the blighted mug and pan and put them away, staring malevolently at the doppleganger. It was time to do some research to see if I was going completely mad (yes, I did say completely rather than partially).

From the blog Notes on the Visual Arts and Popular Culture, another Ovaltine observation:

It’s interesting to note how Ovaltine progressed from a convalescent drink designed to bring relief to the weary colonial administrator, enervated by the exigencies of life in the tropics, to a soothing bedtime drink for the hard working Indian populace.

Wow. Who knew? I am so embarrassingly American, I had no idea where Ovaltine came from and it WASN'T America (hint: it didn't come from India either).

It only took a few seconds for Google to confirm my questioning senses. Ovaltine DID change its recipe, back in the seventies, when a part of its operations was sold. And guess who owns it in the US? Nestles! They say it's the same's not. An ad that lies, go figure.

Where's my consolation prize NOW?

I found a wonderful blog called Pearl's Sentimental Journey that tells more about Ovaltine than I ever knew. She did a fantastic job with it, so why re-invent that wheel? The only difference is that she still likes Ovaltine and mine is going in the trash.

And it's not going in the trash because I don't want to wake up gay either
(but this certainly explains more than a lot of religious fundamentalists)
One of the comments on her site says the original recipe can still be bought in other countries and a little more searching will hopefully nail that down. I think the real Ovaltine on vanilla ice cream one more time, or in a mug on a chilly night, is something I now have to make happen! Having a cause is important, having a good cause is even better. I say, the hell with you, Victor Gonzalez! Here, have this New Ovaltine! Once I find the old one, I won't lose one more second of sleep over your nefarious schemes. Until then...


  1. I bought some in the mid 90s after trying to convince my then teen daughter how much better it was than Nestles, what a bummer. Her words, "this stuff sucks".

  2. From mushrooms to I am on the hunt for the "real" thing for you.....memories like that should never be shattered!!

  3. If I find out where the *real* Ovaltine can be bought, I'll post it!

  4. Thank You, Thank You Island Woman MJ. You've just reasured me of my sanity, 36 years of me thinking that my taste buds had gone bye bye.
    Your comment was music to my ears. Just before my daughter went off to college 1993 I made her a glass and asked her to try it. Usually I get a thumbs up, well.......what a let down. All she said was 'oh, it taste like Nestles'. So, if you are blessed to come across the original version, please share info at:
    1/2 evaporated milk and 1/2 water + ovaltine will still bring back a similiar taste, hot or cold. I really miss those little crunchy granuals
    um um good!!!

  5. Thank YOU! And I'll have to try your recipe. I've sort of dropped the ball on finding the real thing (it's not very cold now) but I'm re-inspired again! I'll let you know.

  6. I recently bought some Ovaline classic malt online hoping to experience the malty flavor I remembered as a kid and it wasn't the same--you'd get more of the malt flavor I was after in a package of whoppers. I'd love to know if there's another brand which is closer.

  7. The hunt continues! When I was in the states I looked around but no joy yet. There is a drink here called Malta, very very popular. I really need to try it but for some reason, it just sort of scares me. Gotta get over that. When I check it out, I'll report back!

  8. In Norway Ovaltine was sold under the name Ovomaltine. In a thin can, with pebbles that gave a slight crunch to it. However they dont sell it here anymore. But meantime the internet was invented, and I finally decided to find it, and by it, via the net. I got a big plastic can named Ovaltine. Dissapointment was total. Just a glance at the fine powdered content indicated something very wron. And the taste - rubbish! Just like all the other different cacao/sugar stuff you by the dozen. Ovomaltine will only remain a sweet memory of my childhood - done and gone.

  9. Thank you for a perspective from farther away. Yes, it might just have to be in our memories, but it still makes me irate that a generation will be drinking what they THINK is Ovaltine and it isn't. Yes, I need to continue to learn to let go...

  10. i want to wake up gay! but does this mean i have to move to another country? what's really hipster hopster happen' right now is the instant coffee substitutes (containing chicory, barley and rye). what i do, when i'm quivering and shivering is heat up a cup of organic chocolate coconut milk and add a heaping teaspoon of the coffee imposter. quite tasty. and satisfies the urge to foray the chill.

    1. Yes, maybe I just need to go off the hunt (that has continued, lo these many years) to find the real deal Ovaltine and find something else satisfying, you might have the ticket. But...*sniff* it's never easy to say good-bye.

  11. Try here:

    1. I don't know what led you to this old post but, cool!!! It looks like it could be the real deal, thanks!

    2. Except for the 13.95 price...yikes!

  12. I can only, sadly, completely agree with your statement... being originaly from Sweetzerland, where OVOMALTINE was created, I first found Ovaltine when travelling (apart from within the usa, and the products I found were pretty similar to the real deal(the first noticeable difference is the name itself, ovomaltine~ovaltine) and the fact it contained cocoa, when it is just not meant to(if we want chocolate milk, we just get real chocolate and mix it with milk... but still was drinkable... until a few days ago when I found a box of ovaltine which looked totaly different than the original orange looking one... so I buz it, thinking about mz little àpeche mignonà )treat= I was going to do to myself, but it changed into a horror real life storz as soon as I had opened the box... just visualz I could tell I got ripped off... then I dared smelling it, which nearlz made me throw up...pure corn starch, not a single hint of malt) nor chocolate after smell, nothing even remotelz close to , well, even Milo... and its made bz NESTLE+++)this is one of the reason Im ashamed being Swiss..Nestle...pure evil corporation.. pumping water freelz from the great lakes in canada and elsewhere )freelz= and making people paz a fortune for their plastic water bottles,containing dead water )no mineral/salts whatsoever, just reversae osmosis and UV trweated, which wont help zou getting hzdrated when dehzdrated...zour mouth gets even drzier after drink9ing such lifeless water= and the CCEO of Nestle who dared sazing tat water isnt a natural human right, but just a commoditz like another , and that bz no means humans should have access to it without pazing for it )this guz should be beheaded in public place, after having made him drink sewage water for a weeik or so... hmmmm it totally disgusted kme from Sweetzerland... I used to fill up mz bowl full with ovomaltine powder, and then add basuicallz i WOULD GO THROUGH A MAXI BOX OF OVOMALTINE IN 3 OR FOUR BOWLS OF IT )HMMM SOOOO GOOD= BUT THAT LAST EXPERIENCE MADE ME WONDERED ...ARE WE REALLY DOOMED...i GUESS WE ARE.... HAVING clowns like boris johnson and donald the qwaking trumpetist as most powerfull peoile on earth, and Ovaltine being just not drinkable any longer, I just lost all faith in humanity... I hope an aseroid just smashes us all... because it is such a shame, we dont deserve to be part of the intergalagtic federation nop more...
