Monday, February 28, 2011

Some beautiful Culebra finds

Yesterday is a bit of a blur, maybe because an unnamed person woke me up last night, insisting I go and watch the Oscars...which I managed to do (despite the fact that I don't see many movies and don't know who most of the people are) until about midnight, when Ennui reared its glittering head and insisted just as strongly that I respond, with sleep. At home. Thank you. Thank all of you, including the dog. And the dog's mother and all dogs, in fact. Do you like my dress? I will gladly confess to enjoying the audience around me far more than the show...dancing prancing singing boa flaunting people do amuse. A lot.

Where was I? When crossing the bridge yesterday, I saw this sail boat. We get a lot of beautiful boats in here and this was one of them. At least, I think so. Eye of the beholder and all of that. Sort of like the Oscars...

Then I got a Moya fix, when Juanito, Randi and Moya stopped by for a visit. They are never here long enough, but at least I get cart corner moments. Love you all!

Two island brother men happy to see each other again 

A beautiful family - be still my heart!

Later in the day I was out walking (and no, I'm not going to say where. Not for anything. Not even for Oscar Meyer Weiners *urp*) and found these crystals. I have never found crystals before and it was a pretty wonderous moment for me. Crystals. Here. Beautiful!!!

All in all, an excellent Culebra day. Thank you to whoever is directing this show!

Have a MAHvalous Monday! Do something MAJOR!

p.s. This has nothing to do with Culebra, or maybe it has a whole LOT to do with Culebra but I liked it very much, and had to pass it along...


  1. Serious juju in those crystals. Must be the Acadamy of Hot Sauce award. Congrats.

  2. Oh. And once again, your keen eye for boat lines is our good luck.

  3. Yes, beside the beautiful lines, I like that when you really look (click, then click again), you realize, this is a damn big boat, but it is so elegant, it just seems...right.

  4. This reminds me, I hope your seafaring friends stay well away from the corridor that all the pirate stories keep coming from. Hard to believe this could happen in our time.
