Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What is time, anyway?

This question usually hits me when I am feeling rushed or stressed about something and I realize I have absolutely no idea how long whatever the situation is has been going on. Days, hours, weeks, months all go up in mind smoke because whatever it is seems damn near like forever (and we all know how long that is - if not, we'll discuss that another time).

The thing is, when whatever it is gets resolved, either by being fixed or unfixable and one, meaning me in this case, moves on, time as we know it reasserts itself to some degree and suddenly things seem quite orderly again. Well, as much as I do orderly. And I really do. Sometimes.

All that to say I seem to finally have my technical issues resolved on all fronts. The cable is still lying in the road, with split open little cables around it but for now, that doesn't have to be my problem because my fix-it guy has 'tricks' and they work. Woo hoo! I'm all for that.

These are some photos I took but couldn't stay online long enough to actually post.

A new painting from Benjamin. It wasn't quite finished but it seems a little grim to me. Sometimes that's true.

I'm pretty sure Mariel and Roberto did not plan to dress alike on this day,
but since they did, I had to memorialize it.

Rob and crew came in with a couple of gorgeous tuna. The one tuna was almost to the boat
when something with seriously sharp teeth whacked it in half. Really.

Thanks, Rob, for giving up some awesome sashimi slivers! Next time I'll be packing the wasabi.

Yet another stun my eyes orchid after a rain the other day. 
So here, at half way done with Tuesday, have a total one! Do something that takes you out to the ballgame!


  1. Shark or baracuda is my guess.
    We bought several orchids but they died. Except 1, its doing well

  2. Yes, that was our guess as well, Mark. Rob thought probably a barracuda. These were orchids I saved from an abandoned house. I don't do much to them at all but spray them and keep them in shady areas...they are pretty hardy!
