Monday, October 28, 2013

I Sat Down Beside Her (Arachnophobes, Fair Warning)

There is nothing and everything to rediscover when you've been away from home for awhile. I could probably feed the cat and chickens blindfolded, even though I'm pretty clumsy.  I know where each root and too big to dig out rock is in the path, which tree to touch to get around the gazebo, about how many steps it takes to open the coop door from there. I could water the plants that need it most the same way, and would know I was getting it right by the whhhhrrrrr sound of hummingbird wings, bathing on just sprayed broad leaves like I am their personal spa attendant. Well, I am.

But there is something new everyday too. Sometimes it's big, like a herd of horses. Sometimes, it's small and fragile appearing, but there is little that is truly fragile around here. Temporary maybe, but not fragile. You can't survive and thrive here without some steel in your spine/wing/petal/web.

The sun was on the go-down when I walked out on the little dock to see what I could see. Eyes grabbed, eyes arrested, I sat awhile.

The last bit of sunlight left the web and dulled the moment into something much more easily missed. We all need a spotlight sometimes to see the miracles.

Have a minute miracle Monday. Do something mmwowmmwow.

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