Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The Sun is Back!

After some odd winter weather, as in cloudy and rainy for days, we're back to sunshine. But to tell the truth, there are a few of us who like these lapses from Caribbean postcard weather into cool, breezy, grey-skied days and nights. It doesn't happen often, as in, hardly ever, and it feels pretty wonderful. Sweaty face syndrome and the mozzies are both kept at bay for one thing. Cisterns get filled, and the island is crazy green. If there is naught to do in any huge way about climate change, this aspect of it doesn't suck.

The last scrim of clouds before they blew away.
There is a yellow-crowned night heron who lives in the mangroves by the path I walk from houseboat to the street. I like to think it is getting used to me, only hopping away a few feet now instead of flying madly through a collision course of wildly twisting branches. Except in unexpected meetings when we scare each other. So far, I haven't flown off the path.

As with anyplace one lives, the same sights are really never the same. Some days, the sailboat riggings look like they are some kind of art work, just for my gazing pleasure. Oh. They are.

I've never seen this boat on the water but it entertains me all of the time. 

While waiting for bits and bobs to come in (Jesse reminds me I'm lucky to be finding some of the bobs for my 22 year old "brand new" outboard engine at all, let alone slowly, which does do the zen trick of dealing with time patience - thanks, Jesse!) other things are getting done. Painting and shelving, tweaking and plotting, awaiting the day when I'm off the dock and on the mooring (which is now a real thing! hooray x1000). 

Thanks, bro, for the pretty mosquito net. It's used every night!
In the meantime as well, there is a way you can help Friends of Culebra Animals with a click. Just go to the Shelter Challenge site and vote for Friends of Culebra Animals. If you aren't registered, you'll need to do that but the site is much improved since the last challenge and should be easier to navigate. A vote a day could bring in $1000.00 which would go real far in helping out meeting the needs of our critters. 
Of course, whoever wins, it's a win for animal needs and caretakers but it would be great if it was us!

Have a wealth of worthiness Wednesday! Do something willingly.