Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Nice Karen, Good Karen

Of course the big thing going on here the last couple of days was the approach of Tropical Storm/Depression/Storm Karen. People prepared, boats were moved to the mangroves, and eyes were on the weather sites. 

With a more hinky forecast than usual, it was a bit hard to determine what was going to happen, but as the time of passing over us/near us came, it was getting more clear that it was going to be mainly a rain event. Then it turned out, for us, to not even be much of that. But there was a swell that kept us watching. This is what we saw.

My first clue that it might just be okay was the cat. This was right when a very quick squall came through, one of quite a few. But hey! The cat wasn't concerned, why should I be?

This hummingbird has been coming around every day to feast on the cactus flowers. No birds seemed to be hiding. I took that as another good omen.

Who wouldn't see this as a feast?
We could hear Mike next door, keeping an eye on things, so we headed over to see what was happening at the closed (for the yearly renew and get ready) Dinghy Dock. The tide was high, but there was barely any other sign of much other than a grey skied day. 

Thankfully, this is just silliness
An osprey flew overhead, much too quickly for a photo. Since I rarely see them here, it was one of those moments that just makes your heart happy. Then we got another one. 

Too bad I didn't have my real camera with me, but this is a manatee!
It came to the surface a few times and then...poof! Gone.
We noticed that the water level was rising. Hmmm. 

When it looked like the boat just might find itself on the dock, it was time to shoot a photo to Jean-Francois. He came down, with family and friends. 

The boat got moved to a safer spot and then it was time to play.

A lot of splish splash goin' on!

Rain wise, we were in the quiet zone, compared to some surrounding islands. 

That blue dot is Culebra

Today, the sun is back out, Milka's is open, panels at the bank will come down, and we'll be back to whatever we call normal. Life is good!

Have a wakeful Wednesday. Do something waterproof. 

1 comment:

  1. Glad to read that the island was only lightly brushed.
