Saturday, February 20, 2010

It's all about Sean

I/we recently got an update on Sean from Nancy, who has done a heroic job of keeping many us who feel so very far away closer with news. Since I get asked a lot about how he is doing, I thought I'd dedicate this post to filling everyone in. ☛ I don't think Garrison Keillor has this effect on everyone, but after seeing him speak at a great show in Jacksonville, Sean needed to get to Mayo (the hospital) to deal with a health emergency. It ended up with a lot of unknown issues as in "it could be this or that" The doctors poked and prodded and made their pronouncements. The upshot is that now he is home, ("It's good to be free") on air from a can, which he and Nancy have named Fritz, while different scenarios are being looked at. Personally, I think the bracelet thing is getting over the top, but the colors are good. How do you get a hospital to issue port and starboard colors?? Only Sean...

So their Valentine's Day was spent in hospital. Yes, it sounds and was a tough moment in a series of them, and it wasn't at all a party, but look at our stud muffin and his chica! I traded this photo for some palm fronds from here, which I'll be sending on Monday, to get Sean back to making birds, fish and the whirly gigs he makes with them (can we get a bowl? a hat?). I think I got the better end of the deal. While the situation is one that makes each day for him and Nancy a gift, the gift of enjoying life for every minute of it is one Sean keeps giving to us. And the love that flows is, indeed, seriously good medicine that can't be bottled, injected, or bought.

If you don't have the pleasure of knowing who Sean is, sorry that you haven't gotten that life joy. For the rest of you, postcards are always me for the address if you like. Regardless, take a life lesson. When your body decides to throw you under the bus, check out the chassis, and roll with it. There is a lot of life on the other side of the dark still to be lived.


  1. Hi MJ,
    Just getting over our jetlag after returning to the land of cold and snow. Thanks for being a part of our vacation, even if you're unaware of it! For me, you embody the spirit of Culebra. We stopped and chatted (me with brown hat, husband tall & dark). I'm sending you a few of the cedar beads that we talked about on my necklace. A little packrat predrilled all the holes and I gratefully raided his little junk stash. Add a few to your next project and know you are adding a bit of Utah to it! I have lurked your blog for a while and now you are a regular for me. I love the blog and all the links to it (especially Margaret and Helen's, OMG). Reading your blog keeps me connected to my "other life" where iguanas run free and white stuff on the ground is sand, not snow.
    Thanks for contributing to my sanity!
    Best wishes to Sean and your island friends!
    Sue Dyle
    Mapleton Utah
    I will post a pic on the "follower" wall when I can figure out how to size down a pic to post!

  2. what i love is how very long and sexy that head of hair is...but don't tell him i said that. :)

  3. Sue, wow. What a wonderful way to end the night, coming home to find this...makes my heart glad! And yes, I do remember you (the beads were the clicker). I'll try to do justice by them; they are so beautiful! Glad to be a part of your island the white stuff line. And let me assure you, you are, in all of my 55 years, the very first person to EVER thank me for anything to do with sanity. I'll try not to be too nervous about that!

    If you just email me a picture, I can size it...I think!

    Thanks again!

  4. oops, just realized what you meant by follower photo! And of course I can't do that! So good luck with it....

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