Monday, August 23, 2010

Popham Beach part dos

Since I doubt I'll be seeing this beach again anytime soon, I'm giving it the full monty photo wise, because I'm hoping you, dear reader, love beaches as much as I do - hey, if you love Culebra, you must love beaches! Or at least...I would hope so.

Far down this area of beach, someone was fishing at first light - it was great!

The tides are such radical highs and lows, seaweed has plenty of time to grow thick

I'm not sure what makes these beautiful designs...hours before, this was underwater -

These are the rocks I took most of the rock/water shots from, on the other side

Laurie hates to be in photos, but I figure this doesn't really count!

With the tide down, it is as if there are ponds and bays and the sea...but it's all the same!

At one area, all these wonderful little vignettes were in front of my feet.
I didn't touch a thing; there are some great designers out here!

A close up of the above - love that mussel shell!

I wish I knew more about you know what kind this is?

The tides make these wonderful rivulets on the sands and in the pools

Now, imagine all of this covered with water at high's not deep, but it is covered


Thanks, Frank, for suggesting the trip and doing the driving! Thanks, Laurie, for having a photog buddy like Frank.

~Thus endeth the Popham beach series. The beauty is...if I don't come back ever, or if I come back in fifty years (which I won't, at least in this form anyway), Popham beach will still be here, strange and wonderful as ever...


  1. Thanks, I needed that. It's chill and rainy over here in the soggy mountains. Nice sensibility. Love the vignettes. Yes...

  2. It's been pretty cold and rainy grey here as well. Supposed to be sun tomorrow, I hope so!
