Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Misc. Tuesday

Cwim spent the rainy parts in her favorite outdoor spot

While it looked like rain most of the day yesterday, we only got a few dribs and drabs of the wet stuff. I was told one person measured 4 inches of rain from the Rain Event in the previous two days...it seemed like a LOT more. A friend in St. Maarten measured 4 inches as well...it sounds like we are all rowing the same boat. Well, except for a few of us who had the weather INSIDE their homes...and you know who you are! Hope you dry out soonest. Funky westerly...
But today dawned with a bit of sun and blue sky, even though [insert wind shift again] there seems to be some bits to our southeast that might make it here...and might not. Carry on with your outdoor plans!

To the east
To the West
The aji cabellero peppers are loving the weather!

 Have a terrific Tuesday! Do something twice.


  1. Twice, eh? I had a brief encounter some years ago with the Church of Redundant Life. Seems they go to 9 o'clock service AND 11 o'clock. Evidently they send out two Christmas cards to everyone on the list, as well...

  2. So, how did CWIM treat you when you returned from your long absence? Did she love all over you? Did she act like she didn't even know you were gone? Or with true cattitude, was she annoyed that someone was sleeping in her bed?

  3. CWIM was the best she's ever been after an absence! She did a bit of her..."You know I'm ticked!" dance but not for long. I think Teresa kept her so happy, she probably was just ticked that I came home!

    Church of Redundant Life, Doug? I thought they went 24/7!
