Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Special post for Animal Lovers

I think this pretty well speaks for itself...thank you, Teresa.

As I'm sure most of you know by now, homes are urgently needed for Marsha's cats. Yesterday we found the body of one one of them very close to the house and, although I am not 100% sure, it might be due to poisoning. Poisoning causes a horrible death that we have not been able to stop in Culebra and, if it was the cause of death for this poor creature, then I greatly fear for the lives of the remaining cats.  Confrontation with other residents is not the way to address this as it can backlash and cause even more poisoning. Veronica at the Police Station is helping with distribution and posting of current animal protection laws in PR that deal with mistreatment of animals (which I learned yesterday are now Federal offenses) and her help is greatly appreciated.  But we need to act faster to find homes for these wonderful animals and I am asking for your help, as that is the only outcome that will be in everyone's best interest. 

Animal Welfare of Culebra is providing food for the cats and Ron West is caretaking them while living at Marsha and Ren's house through December. While photographing some of them yesterday for posting on various adoption resources, I was able to get to know some of them a little better and can see that they are really very affectionate and loving pets.  Some of them have lived there for many years.  "Little Bit" the spunky one with the white tip on his very long tail, "Missy" the sweetie-pie with a face that you could never forget. "Mac" the good natured fellow who had to have all of his teeth removed due to infection, but is one of the most loving and healthiest cats around!  "Serena" the little orange tabby who arrived from deaths door to Marsha's door and, with her tender loving care, not only survived but proved herself to be an outstanding beautiful cat!  "Mama" the cat who was found with a pelvic fracture and a litter of kittens who now is a picture of love and health.  On and on they tug at your heart and one cannot leave the area without knowing that they so deserve a loving and safe home where they can enrich an individual's or a family's lives for many years to come.  Many of them were dropped off there as sick, abandoned,  or threatened kittens by Culebra residents who knew that they would be well taken care of.  Those are now beautiful adult cats with wonderful personalities and sweet dispositions.  All have been spay/neutered and given veterinary care. They deserve to live full lives, and if we all spread the word about this wonderful cat adoption opportunity, then I am sure that we will succeed in finding homes for them.

If you know of any of your friends either here or in the states that might be looking for a cat, please ask them to consider one of these. I have photos and history of all of them.  Some are indoor-outdoor cats, some prefer to be outdoor all of the time.  Most of them like to be around other cats and some are better than others around dogs. Most are absolutely wonderful with children. They are affectionate and eagerly seek a kind gesture, an loving scratch behind the ear, and sometimes also a lap to sit in!  A few are still a little new at the "pet" concept and would make terrific farm or yard guardians, helping tremendously with rodent control. 

Please open your hearts to a little of Marsha's love and help with this situation.  Just a phone call or a reminder to your friends can reap incredible results.  Most of the Culebra dog and cat adoption successes are the results of casual conversations and unplanned networking, so imagine what all of us acting together can do! 

Thank you with all my heart for any and all help.  For information on any of the cats or to arrange a visit to meet them, please contact me via cell or email.. 787-409-6380 and follysc2010@gmail.com.
With sincere gratitude, Teresa  

-- Be Kind to Others

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