Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Lobster in Every Pot

Ruddy duck
Yesterday I was reminded how beautiful Culebra is, physically and how blessed I am, with friends. And that's as gushy as I'm going to be about that! Except for one thing. Getting a lobster in a bag for my birthday was something that has never happened to me before. I've eaten lobster on my birthday, but not had one handed to me in a bag, fresh off the dock, while at the bar drinking off a surprise tab that Doug called in for me - from Missouri, which was shared. Just goes to show an old doggette can be shown new tricks. Thanks, Molly and Doug, I'm still laughing.

Some of the beauties of Culebra -

Flamenco in the morning
I was lucky to catch these girls just as they put on a show
Tamarindo thataway

Fossil world

On the salt pond (but no flamingo...*sniff*)
Have you heard the Bird?

Melones birthday presents
From the hills

One of my favorite flamboyants with Luis Pena in the background

Beach boy
Cairn for friends not around here anymore

And yes, somehow, at the end of the night -which migrated to Susie's - I headed home, fed the waiting cat, cooked the lobster, headed up to House sitting Hill, fed dogs and cats, got the lobster in the fridge and headed to dreamland.The sleeping kind, not the one I live in every day, but especially on my birthday.

Thanks, Molly, you wacky chica!
Have a thankful Thursday! Do something on tiptoe.


  1. Those are beautiful pics! Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday!

  2. Thanks, Mark. Yes, I truly did!

  3. lovely, lovely - thanks for the post. xoxo

  4. DOUGIE!!!! What a sweetheart! Sorry I didn't think of that trick. . .

  5. As always,wonderful photos. They make me so homesick. We get several lobsters every March when in Culebra. To us spiny's are better than claw lobster. We have lobster and eggs for breakfast. Lobster salad for lunch and lobster lobster for dinner with lobster bisque. Only problem is getting those long antenna in the pot without getting scalded. Happy Birthday.

  6. You're welcome and my pleasure (really). Hope you got a fix for a bit until next time.

  7. Shawke and Deb, I just got these comments, sorry! Yes, Debbie, it was really fun!! and very sweet. Shawke, it was such a surprise and such a treat...I heard about it from a few people over the next few days, including the wife of the guy who caught it!

  8. A belated happy birthday. We went diving with Anita last week and she said you had been celebrating your birthday all week. We are now the same age!! I drove by your cart several times over the last 2 weeks and only saw you open a couple of times, and never had the time to stop and chat and shop. I was driving the red trooper and always smiled at you. Others in our party did stop by to visit. I had so hoped to purchase some of your hot sauce for my son. Guess I will have to order it from you instead.
    Vicki in TN

  9. Oh Vicki! Sorry I missed you! Yes, I've not been open much and soon come, I will be doing something very different...but there will still be hot sauce to order as well as to buy, just most likely not at the cart (shhh, more on that later). Please feel free to order, though I won't be around after July 12 until September sometime, so soon or later!
