Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What Was I Saying? Oh! I'm Home!!

As an excuse for my long absence - it has felt long to me! - let me just get out of the way that I re-learn, every time I am away awhile, every single song the phone company plays while I am on hold to get reconnected, both phone and internet. I will also say, the music has improved somewhat. Or, I am getting older and more patient, but I think it is the former, rather than the latter. Thank god for inventing online solitaire.

My backyard the night after I got home
It was a long way home but here at last (after a wonderful time with two of my children, in California and Oregon), to watch Maria turn from a worry to a sigh of relief as she barely gusted through our space, leaving in her wake the rains that continue, softly and  literally as I type.
Rain enough to remind me I need that spot on the roof patched. Rain enough to make it easy to pull weeds. Rain enough to be thankful it isn't and wasn't a lot more rain.
Life is good, if you tilt your head just a little bit sideways, which is the recommended posture for viewing life when living on islands...

On Sunday, I was recovering resting and reading when I heard music outside that seems to always be associated with horses in the street. Sure enough, the clip clop of paso fino hooves were next, and as is pretty usual, the turn about spot was the road loop that goes up and over, coming out across the street from me. The man in the truck with the music told me that each Sunday, at this time of year, this will happen, that this always happens, along with the December events. I guess I've not been home on Sundays in September - it is September, right? - in a long, long time!

How Maria looked on Culebra (add very occasional and very brief gusts of wind sounds)
I love these horses and I love these boys
Here they come!

Hanging out in my yard...thanks, amigos!
 This is a tree that planted itself in my yard. I let it grow because the branches are so gracefully drooping. Then it sprouted blossoms! Does anyone know what it is?

Strange light of yesterday afternoon...yes, it's good to be home!

Of course, there is a lot to do and I'm making progress, poco a poco. Forays into town are filled with hellos and hugs and how are you renewals. Some change, but not much...I'd have to be gone a lot longer than two months for that. But catching up is always good. Getting things in order with the help of friends, putting together lists and orders and thankful for the library and its tables of free books, beside the goodies inside, for when the daylight is gone. Thankful for so much...heart home I am. Culebra.

Have a never too much of a good thing Tuesday! Do something tolerantly.


  1. Welcome Home, MJ! As much as I enjoyed your road trip and the excellent images captured along the way, I am looking forward to tales and images from la isla bonita.

  2. Welcome Home MJ! I missed Culebra while you were gone, but enjoyed all your posts while in the USA.

  3. I missed Culebra while I was gone too! Glad you enjoyed the other travels.

  4. I think we're developing a theme here...

  5. How might CWIY be? I worry about such things...

  6. CWIM is fine, fat and happy from Teresa's wonderful care. She spent a few hours ignoring me, then 2 days attached at the fingertips and now we're back to normalo! Thanks for asking, amigo!
