Thursday, October 11, 2012

Rain, Glorious Rain

Of course, the second I am outwardly being thankful for short, good rain, I look to the east and see Invest 98 and figure we'll be getting a fair bit of it soon enough. Though we might not get any; weather can be funny that way. You can read more about 98 here.

Yesterday, before the rain came that didn't last long but long enough for puddles and a few plants in my yard to perk up out of their thirst, it looked like this, over St. Thomas.

When only an hour before, it was like this.

Yep, funny thing, weather. Watch and wonder.

Have a typically atypical Thursday. Do something un-taunting.


  1. I guess our rain is coming from the same place.

  2. That would appear to be correct, Mark!

  3. Wow MJ, That rain cloud formation is Ntl. Geo. quality.

    Really neat, William

  4. It was a pretty arresting sight and I almost missed it; one of those turned left instead of right and got wow!
