Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Catching Up is Hard to Do

For such a simple place, you might think there would be lots of time to show you most of everything here. Oh wait. There is and I do. Ok. Never mind.

This is from Sunday Funday. Since today is a bit overcast (translate, cool and lovely), a bit of bluesygreen is on tap.

I'm not sure what this bird is. Obviously a water wader but...? Any identifiers out there?
 There was a nice variety in the modes of transportation out to the houseboat.

Hey Sandra! I'm taking your photo of you taking my photo!

A canvas covered kayak (which is very easy to say three times fast)

Doug rowing his sail lofting fashionista woman in (Pose # 1)

Pose # 2

Come on over and tie right up (pose # 3)

We were hoping for a mating. What a wonder offspring that would be!

With the day sailer dismasted by fate and some tired rigging, more dinghies were employed for the incoming.

How to hold a line elegantly

The usual suspects

Experimenting with the kayak...go Mariel!

Ann working the paddle(s)

to an appreciative audience

Not an incoming, I just like blue hulled sailboats

The day turned to afternoon and time to head home

Paul, rockin' the boat
Have a taste of the tropics Tuesday! Do something tiki torchin'.


  1. What a beautiful day it was on Sunday!! I miss that place so much!

  2. OMG! The foliage is SO dry! No tiki torchin' on Tuesdays please!

    1. You took that way too literally, my dear! I was figuratively speaking, of course! (about bit someone's head off the other day for chance endangering, we're all on and all over it!).

  3. I think its a great blue heron

    1. It's a little blue heron, according to my expert. But it IS pretty darn big!

  4. After seriously searching 3 birding books. I am fairly certain it is a Little Blue Heron. Egretta caerulea is is all blue with prominent eye and bluish bill. They stand 40 inches and are 24 inches long. Definitely an adult. Thanks for the great pics MJ

    1. Yes! It IS a Little Blue Heron! I heard from my bird woman earlier, who for some reason couldn't post on the blog. Well done, bird folk! So interesting, the little blue heron, white when juvenile, then going blue. If I was just a bit more consistent in life, I'd be a birder. In the meantime, so much is to be enjoyed as an occasional observer of the wonder!
