Saturday, March 16, 2013

Dinosaur at 60?

Claire brought one of her tomatoes. Don't ask.
Walter had his big 60th party yesterday (and into the night) and I do mean big. Tents and fountains of sangria, 3 bands (not at the same time, thank you!) including the one with Walter in rock and roll mode, Neil's catered food, some wonderful desserts, wine and beer from some endless magician's (that would be Shoebox John) bar and a lot of people having a lot of good times!

Thank you, Walter and Monika, for a party to long remember! For those of you who couldn't be here, I've been winnowing photos but there are still way too many to post here, so I'll go for the many highlights.

Ok, before we start, I know there are still WAY too many photos here still, but it's the best I could do. We got there around 4-ish. I left about 8:30 and the parting words from Walter were, 'You're leaving?? We're just getting started!' No doubt, Walter!

John worked the bar all day, all night. Kudos!!!

Walter started the champagne early. And it was good!

Neil and crew provided excellent food, as usual, along with smiling faces.

Steve's sangria fountain

We weren't the only dinosaurs around

I forget why the fake boohoo. Do you remember, Walter?

Kathy in Sunlight

The music was going - Molly and Pat were right there

How smart! Feed us early before it's too late.

Delicious (there were more choices, but that was plenty for me)

Walter and Monika smart enough to eat early, have fun late

The napkins and utensils were cutely wrapped with...those rubber band shape things. Kai was winning on collecting them, Bonilla not even close

And the crowd kept growing

He's really quite happy on the inside

Kai breakin' some moves

Kai, let the old folks show you how it's done!

Tom in his Amish phase. Steve's not buying it.

Lewis, Jeff and Amy Jo held the stage for the afternoon

Debbie watching her guitar guy

Joe being stopped by security. Smart move.

He got in anyway. The Force was with him.

Time out!

Okay, we're back

Good neighbors.

Are you scared yet? You should be!

I have no idea who this person is or how this photo got in here.

Do you want to know a secret? Do you promise not to tell?

Lovely outfit, Carol!

Let's talk hat to hat.

The serious head covering has arrived!

Probably my favorite photo of Kevin, ever.

Before the cake cutting

And now, here's band #2! Walter, his bro and Ricky, rockin' on!

Pat, being shy as usual

Anita and Winchee, with an Olivia and Daphne on the side

Good friends

Jaime - I don't even have words. Love you, hermano.

I don't know what Lewis was on about but Gail and Delilah were having a love fest

If your husband is a rock and roll star, you find a way to dance anyway!

60 looks good on you, Walter!

Next up, Sons de Culebra!

Walter and Winchee doing that guy thing. It was Winchee's birthday too!

Mario, stoking the dancing fires

Niece Sarah, Aunty Carol - two beauties (I guess that is stating the obvious)

And finally a chance to dance with her birthday guy
It was time for me to go. But there's still one thing. As I was heading home, I happened to see this - something? - on a concrete post. Yes, it really WAS a defrosting (not defrosted, it was still cold) turkey breast. I hope whoever left it out there picked it up eventually...

Have a save your self Saturday! Do something settling.