Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bridge work

No, this is not a post about teeth. As the work on the bridge goes along, I'm taking photos every few days, but it should be every day, as they are moving along fairly quickly. Yesterday I saw one guy cutting away the lip of the former know, the one that punctures tires if you made too sharp a turn heading to Milka's?

Ah the fun times I've witnessed at the corner...screaming 'NO NO, STOP!' and then the immediate and unmistakable sound of air rushing out of a slashed tire; the bewildered look of the driver, the wait for help. One cannot buy entertainment like this, as the vehicles occupants realize why the arm waving, screeching maniac woman on the corner was trying to get through their air conditioned noise baffle. Recognition dawns, replaced by the puzzle of what exactly happened, replaced by anger, replaced by sweat, replaced by an almost Stockholmian Syndrome like gratitude to whomever pulls off the repair. Alas, no more.

May all your bridges be over untroubled waters.


  1. There are some light moments of bridge history concerning dual Valentine's Day birthday celebration and bomberos. I hope your magic lens will convey the historic moment when the bridge draws!

  2. Sounds like a good story, Doug... The bridge might be done before I get back but hopefully some of my Culebra Watchers will catch it!
