Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Culebra in my eyes

The other day, a visitor said, as we were chatting, yes, this place is beautiful, but...what do you DO here? I've been asked that many times and as hard as it might be to believe, I don't have a blythe and ready answer. I usually end up by saying, not much. Which is a patent lie, just so you know. Even if it is the truth. Hey, it's Culebra; this is how we think after awhile.

So here are a few things I 'did' over the last few days...

Tried really hard to figure out what this boat was about...
gave up and just enjoyed its gypsiness

Enjoyed the classic beauty of this boat that's been in the harbour awhile

Watched the lazy grace of tarpon at Dinghy Dock

Found there really is Culebra with a cherry on top (nice work, Nay!)

Stood shaking with rage at what the Dubon/Terruno idiots have
done with CONCRETE to land that doesn't belong to them...
yes, that is concrete, but wait, there's more

...where they have concreted in a whole natural retention pond
(for more on this, go here)

Went down to the water to restore my soul sanity

And now, it's raining!!!!! Thank you, universe!!! Even if it doesn't last long, it is music on the roof and land. Sorry, visitors but it must be obvious how much we need this and I for one am doing a happy rain dance.

Have a ten-folded Tuesday! Do something tappy.


  1. I wish I was there right now.

  2. It's a beautiful day here in Paradox!

  3. I can't get to the documents, but that concrete picture is worth a thousand words. WTF?

  4. Hmm. I tested the link..anyone else having problems with it? WTF indeed. They are selfish people, who only see Culebra as a big ATH machine and they are the trash we can't seem to pick up and send to the landfill.

  5. I can't open it either.

  6. If it opens as a google doc, you have opened it. But you have to sign up for google to see it, sorry! It is how Coralations sends out most of the info they have, so you might consider joining (just like a yahoo thing, I know, but...so it is).

    If you did NOT see google doc, then, I'm not sure what's wrong!
