Saturday, May 21, 2011

20% Chance of Rain? Really?

We don't often get a full day of rain around here...but the exception to the rule is what has been going on lately. Today it is supposed to start clearing out...I think we're ready for some sunshine!

I wish the ubiquitous 'they' of the geek world would figure out how to get scratch 'n sniff for the screen already! Walking  through the yard this morning, the air was full of growing things. The gumbo limbo tree, it's oddly pungent, though not unpleasant odor, the wild sage like plant, the grass itself. It was like walking down a hall of smell-o-vision.

Gumbo limbo (say it out loud!)
Avocado growing so fast it is on top of itself
I don't know what this is, but I love the blossoms
A tree Sylvia gave me
 I've been told this is wild it true?

And with all of the rain, and the mud and the run-off, I think of people across the states flooded and tornado'd out of their homes and land and think...we're pretty damn lucky around here. Just have to figure out how to temper the rain dances. Tweakness needed.

I'm sure there are other things going on in the world (all those believers dealing with the fact that they are still on the planet, for one thing), good, bad and just silly, but right this minute, my world is about the size of my yard. Rain is softly falling. The cat is curled up, and it's time for another pot of tea.

Have a shiny Saturday! Do something spotless.

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