Wednesday, December 19, 2012

T'is the Season in My Neighborhood

The home I can always depend on for unique Christmas/seasonal decorations has, I think, finished up for now. I contributed some of it this year, from the palm frond, complete with island bling on my chicken coop, with its bling living ever, and I do mean forever, on.

My little bag of gifties was received happily and I knew I'd see them in their unnaturally natural place soon enough. If the slightly confusing wording doesn't make much sense, you need to understand a little more about island life and how you talk about it. Maybe this will help.

First, the trees get a new coat of Christmas color. Then the bling is added. That empty lot sitting area can get pretty interesting at times. No one needs the wheelchair, but it makes for great extra seating.
Just in case you wondered where it was, here is the heart of Christmas
Imagination station. That blue thing on another neighbor's roof is a water catchment cistern, a very common and very commonsensical sight. Every house everywhere should have one.
One reason I brought the bling over was so I wouldn't feel too creepy later on when I knew I would be taking photos of it. There is always someone home and I want to keep on being a good down the road neighbor and not have to do stealth photography like last year. Whether I'd brought anything or not, it would still have been re-dressed up, and so it was.

I saw this yesterday and thought it was really lovely. I've never heard of these singers before but apparently they are quite well known. I'm glad I had no clue who they were, because all I had in my head was what was being done. Yes, I cried.

Have a world wide Wednesday. Do something (not in your photo in the PO way) wanted.


  1. Uh, you could put eight tiny reindeer in front of the wheelchair and call it good.

    1. That would be a stroke of artistic genius. It won't happen (but I am still laughing).

  2. Hi MJ,

    I am trying this comment from my desktop at the office in hopes that it finds you doing awesome and being happy as hell.

    I couldn't get the comment section to accept my typing from my cell (android HTCone) but maybe just a quirk between mobile and desktop.

    If this gets through, I have a new way to communicate and I will! :) - David (Pickle Gulch & Orlando)

    1. It did work, David!! I am happy as hell (even though the electric has been out a few hours now and all batteries are gasping, but I had to answer this. It must be the good Pickle Gulch magic that still carries us.

  3. I cried too, and I needed to.

  4. Love the video...still a little leaky...oh and Leonard did sing it at the show! And I am reading this on your mobile version you high tech mama!!

    1. Nothing wrong with being a little leaky still, I think many of us are. I have a mobile version? Oh, of course I do!
