Monday, April 12, 2010

Bloomin' Roosters

Last night, after the best rain we've had in months, it was cool enough to trade the light cotton covering for the light blanket. Crazy, windy, cool weather, with brilliant blue skies. Yes, she says again, it feels like winter!

The radar shows a good deal of rain to the south of us, but we might get lucky, as the wind is coming strong out of the East and maybe there is more out of sight of radar range. It sure FEELS like it could rain (hey you St. Croix people, enjoy it!).

I noticed this plant yesterday, mainly because I've never seen it bloom before. Obviously it has bloomed before, and I just blithely passed by it, unaware. Nothing flashy or seriously fragrant, it still has an appeal for the eye in its subtlety. At least my eye!

For some reason I've gotten caught up in roosters lately. Because their crowing can by so annoying, I look at them with less than delight, but on occasion, one just does something that makes me take notice. The other thing is, some of our roosters are as beautiful as any specialty breeds I've seen at Agricultural Fairs. I look at them and think, 'Yesh, I'd be crowing too!' So prepare for some rooster photos. Hey, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!

Ruffled feathers
(or 'Babe, quit looking at every little thing, I wanna get home')

There are mangoes hanging off trees all over the island. There are mango trees in bloom all over the island. And for the third time, mine is one of them. I can't wait for the day I don't count the number of mangoes on my tree, but I am far from that time yet, enjoying this third blooming and hoping to get mo' bettah mo' biggah mangoes this go-round. This is certainly the best bloom yet, so there is hope! There won't be enough for me to stop poaching - with permission - my favorite trees for hot sauce ingredients, but maybe someday...


Tonight is Linda's going away party at Susie's. It's weird to look forward to a party that is being held for a reason one is not looking forward to...but that has never stopped us from having a good time! Good friends, good food and drink, what's not to like? I don't think anyone who knows Linda can really believe she is going anyway...maybe at the party she'll tell us this was one big April Fool's joke, silly us! But I don't think so. After seven years on Culebra, an itch has to be satisfied and a move is what is going to do that! Yes, of course there will be photos tomorrow!

Have a momentous Monday. Do something madcap!


  1. Hey MJ;

    Give Linda a big hug from us and wish her best of luck, please. We're in Fat Hog's Bay, Tortola, BVI and won't be able to make it back in time. We should be back near the end of the week. Thank you for everything you do.


    Dave and Sue on Doodlemon

  2. Shall do! Have a great time in the BVI's...fair winds (if there is such a thing lately!), see you when you get home.

  3. i don't need to say have a good time. just wish I was there to enjoy. I will eagerly await photos in the morning. I know you'll be bright-eyed and bushy tailed. right?
