Sunday, April 4, 2010

p.s. to this morning's post

In town I heard a few more versions of the tragedy out at Dakity, and really, I don't know what is true and what is not. But if one version is true, the person responsible stepped up and is dealing with the matter and I want to acknowledge that, if it is valid, because it should be noted, especially in light of what I wrote earlier.

Secondly, on the way home across the bay a little while ago, 4 large power boats were coming in and every one of them was going slow enough that there was not a wake being created at all...and that was from the middle of the bay. So that is good news and hopefully, it was because some hard lessons have been given this weekend and not just the very increased presence of law enforcement (this afternoon I didn't see any, first time since Thursday). Hoping for the best, being aware of the worst. Safe boating, people.

Wrong way incoming

When ever I see these across the bay landings I always wonder if the people on board will ever find out about the 'fun ride' they missed, coming the other way...


  1. Across the bay landings can be adventurous, too. There are fun wind-shear gusts that toss and turn the plane when you come that way. Our adventure included a gust turning the plane nearly vertical, with the stall alarm howling while we all were planning underwear purchases.

  2. Underwater purchases...good one! I've only come in that way twice and it was really serene (and I love coming in the other way). The view was so strange though, I felt like we were driving down the street...
