Saturday, June 12, 2010

Island Woman Goes Moose Hunting in the Great Woods

Yes, I did! Of course, Laurie and Phil were leading the way. Phil drove hours and hours (in his oh so very comfortable Prius, nice when being good for the environment is comfortable because usually it isn't) in some country that - well, let the sign speak for itself:

That's a little Maine humor there. Sort of. But wait, there's more!

This was a humongeous tourist store, but they actually had some very cool things among the tacky. I saw a couple of knives I would have loved to buy...and maybe that stuffed wolf...

When we got to where we were going to start hunting, it looked like this:

The above is the spot the lady in the tourist info office calls the gateway to the Great Woods area. Great Woods, I love that!  She was really nice and funny, and didn't get too mad that after really nicely offering and then taking away the Don't Touch sign so I could take a photo of the moose head, I touched him. Maine people are forgiving.

We searched and searched and finally went off road. Phil waited in the car while we climbed over rocks and through mud and knew we were on the right track (huh huh) when we spotted about 20 of these:

Through more mud, over a road, down a hill and a few more muddy moments, one in particular that I, as a good friend (and still wanting a job and a roof over my head), will not elaborate about. But, no joy. We knew they were 'right THERE' but couldn't spot one.

But wait! I forgot to show you what Phil spotted and I got a fast couple shots of, after a staring contest that immobilized me for the few seconds needed to have gotten him face to face. A FOX??? Wow!

And we went onward, through some country that almost seems surreal - a generous hand was given when passing out the sense filling factors here.

We saw this sign on a over the street sort of walkway and I thought, oh, how quaint!

Then we spotted the forklift, full of hides. Very freaking cool that this is still a working tannery in America!

We saw other moose, but not what we were seeking.

C'mon, Moosie Moosie!
photo credit - Laurie Knowlton
And finally, when I'd basically just given in to enjoying the view as we drove down and down and down from the mountains, I saw him. 'THERE'S ONE!!! STOP THE CAR!' Laurie says I didn't quite yell, which surprises me. Phil stopped as soon as he possibly could. The moose looked at me, Laurie was out shooting. I got my camera up and...the setting was on the wrong spot. By the time I got it right he was into the woods. But Laurie saved the day!

He looked to be about a year old...and he was beautiful! 
You never forget your first one.
My copyright is on there by batch mistake. All credit goes to Laurie Knowlton!

We stopped for a drink in a sort of faux biker bar...where the Harley guys all look like podiatrists...well, except this dude: I asked him about it and he said it was roadkill. I asked if he ate NOT try to out weird someone who lives on Culebra!

Across the street from the bar

Another day full of overdosed senses. My eyes and ears and nose in particular are thrilled when I finally go to sleep after being stretched to their limits. But I got to see a moose. And I'm wowed!

Now, I'm off to my first day of work (about time, you say?). Oh boy!


  1. Please go to work already. Your adventures are exhausting me. ;-) Seriously, I've very much enjoyed reading about it the last few days. Work has kept me from commenting. Glad you got there safely (and in such luxury)!

  2. The first day was great. Very neat town, the street full of cute shops & restaurants, the water across the street (with a little park sort of thing in between). Truthfully, I'm exhausted as well.

    Tonight we are in Morrill at Phil's. The adventure continues tomorrow.
