Sunday, December 20, 2020
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Dawn Sun Rise on a Culebra Hill
I know rainy days aren't for everyone, but even when I was working every day I welcomed an all day of coolness; the rain, the grey skies. Because it doesn't happen very often around here, maybe it's the differentness of it.

Have a tantalizing Tuesday. Do something thrilling.
Sunday, December 6, 2020
Sunday, November 29, 2020
Sunday, November 22, 2020
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Thanks, Gorgeous Guy!
I was in Milka's the other day (okay, it was yesterday at 3:09 in the afternoon - that's a joke, really), standing at the counter, when a man standing off to the side - you know, near the batteries, headache and sleep OTC meds, mosquito sprays and sugar free candy, along with a few hundred other miscellaneous items, that area - caught my eye.
'Oh! Did I cut in front of you?' I asked, because I was far from being in a hurry and I also have an anti-rudeness gene deeply embedded (at least out in public and with strangers). It was sort of a tossed off comment, until seeing him registered with me, as he replied he was in no hurry, take my time, etcetera.
I have to say, in that nanosecond look, he registered strongly. This guy had a perfect body, along with a generous and gorgeous smile. He was not ridiculously muscled, but nicely muscled, more than a swimmer, more than a runner, less than a weight lifter. And he wasn't wearing shorts to his shins, so all of those toned leg muscles were just there for the viewing. It wasn't like I was breaking my neck to leer ogle look, he was right there, speaking to me. In public.
It's only the most wee bit embarrassing to say I was, momentarily, speechless in the light of his physical beauty, but it's true. I gathered myself together enough to say exactly what I just wrote above. 'I'm good, I'm just enjoying the view, thanks.' The girl behind the counter gave me a laughing look and I said, 'Hey, this is what old women get to do!'. And it is, even though what the hell else was I supposed to say? Thankfully, I was masked.
No, of course I didn't take a photo. Really. I mean it. However. If I start grabbing tourists crotches, if I veer into Joanna land, someone please put me safely away, with love. Call Bike Steve, he'll know what to do.
Have a satisfying Saturday. Do something (only a teeny weeny just the very littlest barely seconds long) legally salacious. Oh, never mind. Do something sweetly that makes you sigh.
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Sunday, November 1, 2020
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Free Food and a Driveabout - It must be Culebra Wednesday!
Volunteers up early and smiling while doing the literally heavy lifting. |
Sunday, October 25, 2020
What? It's October?!
I'm not sure how this many months have gone by without a post, and I mean that. But I'm not sure how many months have even gone by, so a bit of mind slippage isn't something I'm going to belabor when, overall, my life is very good indeed, compared to so very many.
Today reminded me of Funday Sundays, a long while back. Visiting a couple of beaches, taking a good walk with a couple of friends, the sun shining, the breeze blowing just the right amount, it ranks right up there with oh what a beautiful morning! What lucky duckies are we!
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Patterns in patterns can be a little dizzying, in the good way. |
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Water dance |
Under the boardwalk. Boardwalk. |
On this ride through the pandemic, there are millions of individual stories out there, from every extreme of possibility Depending on place, opportunity or lack of same, resources, attitudes I don't think very many people around the world could say 'THIS is what we went through' and have it be a one size fits all.
Here on Culebra, I can only speak for myself, though of course there are a lot of other local stories with most concluding the bubbleocity of the positive. My experience has been, though not without the emotional ups and downs most have experienced, one where to complain would be the height of rudeness to the Universe. I've lacked for nothing, except being with my family in California. I live in a beautiful place, I've been able to be in as good a situation as I could imagine, including the companionship of a funny cat, which is pretty perfect as far as lack of demands go. 'Pet me, feed me, repeat' is not a demand.
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A part of what makes Culebra Culebra and me heart happy. |
More beach purple |
Yes, I do see a prehistoric bird getting ready to browse on some purslane |
Mental health clinic |
It's all about perspective. Standing in the same spot as the above photo, but looking the other way. |
I'm always happy to see this, in one of its many forms, still remains |
Without posting for so long, there is a temptation to try to describe so much of what has happened, from my own perspective - but in going through this now months long situation, my worldview is pretty much grounded in the day by day, so for today, this is the story. To go too far back or too far forward when I'm just full of beach time would be to take off a bit of the still sparkling glitter. So I won't!
Have a scintillating Sunday. Do something shiny.
Saturday, June 13, 2020
Oh Deer!
Hello! |
Enjoying the view |
Ok, places to go |
Day was done, curfew was near, it was time to head home, holding simple pleasures in hand and heart.
Have a serene Saturday. Do something saturating.
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Spicy Mango Chicken Wings or Get Naked Cooking
One of the things we've been getting in abundance is food. Canned foods, boxed foods, frozen foods and fresh foods. The hard work of loading them up and passing them out to long lines of grateful receivers has happened a lot; I've actually lost count but no one is going hungry on Culebra who isn't willing to wait in the car line, and if there is no car, the boxes have been delivered to the homes of those people.
Oops. I forgot a couple goodies. And threw in some other stuff along the way. That's how I cook, you can stick to the rules if it makes you happier! |
With everyone having different personal tastes, things unwanted have been shared with those who do like whatever it is. There is always someone who will be glad to have x, y or z that someone else can't or won't use.
One of the days we were given 10 pound bags of chicken wings. For a family, that would be a lot, for a single person, it is a huge amount! Because everyone had these packages and no one needs any, I keep plowing through the bag, trying to incorporate other bounty received, which is how I started doing something I really hadn't done much of in my cooking, the use of fruits. I can't say why this was never a thing for me, but it is now! Chicken with apples and lemon and tomatoes, for instance. It works!
Lightly mashed, all the spices and garlic and lemon juice in! |
We also have been getting a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, mangoes and strawberries, pineapples and apples, broccoli and onions and potatoes. A wealth of bounty. It's not an onerous task to try to keep up before things go off, but I found myself with a mango on the verge, hence Spicy Mango Chicken Wings!
Back in the old days, when I was making mango hot sauce, I kept gallons and gallons of mangoes in the chest freezer. I'd gather them from various trees around the island all season and then have the luxury of using them all year long. Why didn't I try this then?
And finally, it was done. A relatively short cooking time for a relatively long prep, but well worth it - and I like prep. Obviously I used wings but you could use any chicken parts you want. Or anything else you want, it's YOUR food!
Yes, they were really good. |
Have a tangible Thursday. Do something terrifically tasteful.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Walk This Way on Culebra
Today was a SEVA food giveaway day and people were lined up from the old school to the new(er) school and around the corner. I don't know what's in this week's box of goodies but I do know there is a lot of gratefulness up and down the line. Plus, I got to say hello and have mini-chats (masked/safe distancing, yes) to a whole bunch of people I've missed seeing, a one step at a time smile fest.
Half-dressed works for me |
I need to go back with the real camera |
It wasn't difficult to cheer myself up on the way back. This is a walk that I've taken hundreds of times with well over more than a decade living at the shack and it's always interesting to see what's new, what's changed, what's going on. Sometimes it's good, sometimes not so much but always, always interesting.
This is the largest cashew I've ever seen! it would fill a child's palm. |
I think I have a project coming up! |
As my Dad used to say when I made a clumsy move, that first step is a doozy. |
The light made the blooms iridescent. A better camera would have been...better. |
Have a safe walkabout Wednesday. Do something wanderble. Yes, I made that up.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Culebra Q Flag Pastelon
Some people think it's the same as piñon, but I am smart enough to not go there.
It also happens to be one of my very favorite Puerto Rican dishes. Some people also really like corned beef hash. That's another thing to do with this meat that you will never see anything about from me.
You can slice plantain the fancy way, cut in half and then cut horizontally, like you are filleting a fish or cut down vertically while holding its very slippery flesh. I chose vertically. |
I've thinking about making pastelon for weeks now, slowly remembering to buy this or that. There are as many recipes for this traditional dish as there are for potato salad, or lasagna. Whether it's cultural or family tradition doesn't really matter, what matters is the basics of ripe plantains, some sort of meat and beaten eggs. Some say cheese, some say no cheese. I chose cheese. Some include vegetables, some don't. Are olives a vegetable?
I went basic. The only other time I've ever made pastelon was more than ten years ago at a friend's celebration of life dinner on St. Croix. I had, basically, all of the ingredients but had no idea what I was doing, so I called the only person I knew then who made it and served me some of its deliciousness, Neil Romero, here on Culebra. He talked me through the recipe, I made it, it was excellent. It didn't hurt that for the meat some wonderful local Crucian ladies had made the filling for about two hundred empanadas and there was plenty left for me to play with. Mine was absolutely not even close to as good as theirs, but still, canned beef and all, it turned out to be pretty good.
As usual, I looked at probably five recipes and went with what I had and what sounded right to me. As usual, play with your food!
First I heated up the canned beef, then drained it of a LOT of fat and extra liquid. |
Then I added sofrito, tomato sauce (that had some tomatoes in it), green olives, cilantro, garlic, and I threw in a dash of cumin. Because I could. I didn't have adobo or Sazon, it worked anyway. |
Once all layered up, it was time for the beaten eggs to be poured over the whole thing.
Ok, pretty much the whole thing. |
I know, the plantain looks like bacon. It's not. |