Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Dawn Sun Rise on a Culebra Hill

I know rainy days aren't for everyone, but even when I was working every day I welcomed an all day of coolness; the rain, the grey skies. Because it doesn't happen very often around here, maybe it's the differentness of it. 

After, when the sun is out and the skies, especially in winter, are an indescribably clear tone of blue (though we've all tried to describe it), it never fails to amaze me how quickly the muddy roads, the splashy puddles, the diamond beads on leaves and grass are gone, poof! Plants grow extra fast with the magic water of rain, it's almost observable - the greening of the island, the buds turning to blossoms. A transformation, a show of Nature, all for free.

This morning's dawning and sunrise gave another show. I paid my ticket in early rising, dogs doing their yips of get up! It's walking time! and the grand running just because they could. I didn't run, but a walk to start the day is a very good thing, even without coffee first. I need to work on that plan. 

Have a tantalizing Tuesday. Do something thrilling. 

Sunday, December 6, 2020