I'm not sure how this many months have gone by without a post, and I mean that. But I'm not sure how many months have even gone by, so a bit of mind slippage isn't something I'm going to belabor when, overall, my life is very good indeed, compared to so very many.
Today reminded me of Funday Sundays, a long while back. Visiting a couple of beaches, taking a good walk with a couple of friends, the sun shining, the breeze blowing just the right amount, it ranks right up there with oh what a beautiful morning! What lucky duckies are we!
Patterns in patterns can be a little dizzying, in the good way.
Water dance
Under the boardwalk. Boardwalk.
On this ride through the pandemic, there are millions of individual stories out there, from every extreme of possibility Depending on place, opportunity or lack of same, resources, attitudes I don't think very many people around the world could say 'THIS is what we went through' and have it be a one size fits all.
Here on Culebra, I can only speak for myself, though of course there are a lot of other local stories with most concluding the bubbleocity of the positive. My experience has been, though not without the emotional ups and downs most have experienced, one where to complain would be the height of rudeness to the Universe. I've lacked for nothing, except being with my family in California. I live in a beautiful place, I've been able to be in as good a situation as I could imagine, including the companionship of a funny cat, which is pretty perfect as far as lack of demands go. 'Pet me, feed me, repeat' is not a demand.
A part of what makes Culebra Culebra and me heart happy. |
More beach purple
Yes, I do see a prehistoric bird getting ready to browse on some purslane
Mental health clinic
It's all about perspective. Standing in the same spot as the above photo, but looking the other way. |
I'm always happy to see this, in one of its many forms, still remains
Without posting for so long, there is a temptation to try to describe so much of what has happened, from my own perspective - but in going through this now months long situation, my worldview is pretty much grounded in the day by day, so for today, this is the story. To go too far back or too far forward when I'm just full of beach time would be to take off a bit of the still sparkling glitter. So I won't! Have a scintillating Sunday. Do something shiny.