My brother took me on a roundabout drive. Well, it wasn't exactly like that, I wanted to take him on a roundabout drive. A Farmer's Market. Hey! It's Saturday, let's find a farmer's market. Well, it wasn't happening. The address took us to another address and it got sketchy. So instead, we ended up at a place I'd loved last time and loved this time even more. Tarks of Dania Beach.
It was lunch time and it was packed. So while my bro was doing the logistics, I sat at a table outside. And heard some girls saying 'Lighter?' Well, I didn't have any cigarettes but I did have a lighter, so I offered to them and that is where the adventure started. They offered me a Venezuelan cigarette. They offered me a beer. Two sisters, from Venezuela but living in the states for the last 13 years and their friend from childhood, who was visiting from their old home town, out and away on the coast. It isn't a pretty beach town, they told me, more like a desert with a beach. Ok, I guess I can skip that trip then.
My brother had found us seats inside, so in I went, chatting with the incredibly busy but very funny staff. This place is BUSY! but every customer gets treated with smiles along with whatever amazing seafood is ordered. I guess there are other things on the menu beside seafood but...why?
We had our beer and wine and got served our meal, or the start of our meal; one of the girls came in, ordered something else and secretly ordered us some buffalo shrimp. We ordered them another pitcher of beer. Then she asked if we'd come back outside and sit with them and of course we did. We talked and ate and drank and laughed and repeated same a few times. Then they followed us back to Jonny's and we talked and laughed some more. We talked about Venezuela and politics, South Florida and music. Life, the stuff of it.
Let the feasting begin! |
Unfortunately for me, not speaking Spanish meant I couldn't say much to their friend, but they told me her story. That she'd gone to school to be a doctor and part of her clinic practice was in areas where robbery at gunpoint, as in a gun held to her head, for any drugs the clinic might have was not an uncommon thing to have happen. It didn't help much that there wasn't much to steal anyway; the clinics, as so many around the world are, being underfunded and understocked. I'd heard about people like her, but I'd never met anyone who was willing to go through that much danger to achieve her dream. It was humbling, to put it mildly. She loves her country, as do the sisters, and I was reminded of Culebra when they told me how everyone makes sure no one goes hungry in times of need. The strong sense of family within the community they told me about? I could feel it.
Our server. I felt tired just watching her kick butt and take names
at warp speed. |
Eventually they had to go, but I'm pretty sure we'll be seeing each other again. Sooner than later.
Have an excellent Sunday Funday! Do something surprising.