No, I'm not back in Kansas. But this meal is and shall finally get its place here. It was a meal I'd never made before (maybe it's a meal no one made before) and it was very good! Imagination station.
We had naan, we had some ground veal, we had beautiful orange squash (whether summer or zucchini we couldn't quite suss out, but it had a taste somewhere between both), we had artichokes. We both had a hankering for some Indian food. Indian pizza? Let the games begin!
Nothing to do with the meal, but these were some of the
prettiest asparagus I've ever seen.
Michelle pickled them (before I could snatch away a few to steam);
they were delicious! |
Saute the garlic (surprise!) |
After peeling off the leaves to get to the heart of the matter,
we were forced to eat them with some salt and butter. |
A light seasoning of the veal while browning |
Squash gets sliced, sauces readied
(no, we didn't make our own sauces, but these are so good they are
irresistible. Why reinvent this wheel? |
The squash gets a brief cooking while the naan gets a schmer of sauces
The Paneer cheese is very like queso blanco. |
Assembly time! |
A few more bits of this and that (and I can't remember now what exactly
this and that was in total but I can tell you it involved chilies!) |
A low oven temp, long enough to brown the naan and heat up the toppings |
More sauces, anyone? Yum! |
And there you have it! There could have been a lot more ingredients, or a lot less. It was about what was on hand and what to do with it. If your fridge is holding good food, you don't need a lot to make something delicious.
The next day I took the leftover ingredients and remade them into something different.
An eggy quiche dish on tortillas
Germany and Mexico...there's a pairing. |
Did you know that quiche is originally from Germany? I didn't. From Virtual Cities came this information:
Who Invented Quiche - the History of Quiche
Most people think that quiche was invented by the French, but quiche actually originated in Germany, in the medieval kingdom of Lothringen, under German rule, and which the French later renamed Lorraine. The word ‘quiche’ is from the German ‘Kuchen’, meaning cake.
The original ‘quiche Lorraine’ was an open pie with a filling consisting of an egg and cream custard with smoked bacon or pork pieces. It was only later that cheese was added to the quiche Lorraine. Add onions and you have quiche Alsacienne. The bottom crust was originally made from bread dough, but that has long since evolved into a short-crust or puff pastry crust
After World War II, Quiche became popular in England and later in the U.S. Because of its primarily vegetarian ingredients, it was considered a somehow ‘unmanly’ dish, - “real men don’t eat quiche.” Now there are many varieties of quiche, from the original quiche Lorraine, to quiche with vegetables of all kinds, mushrooms, ham, seafood and even desert type quiche with fruit and custards.
Now you know!
We will return to our regularly scheduled programming next time. Don't forget to play with your food!
¡Buen provecho!
Have a fine fettle of food Friday! Do something fine.