Thursday, August 2, 2018

On the Slow Road

Changing routes to get out of California made for driving a way that was scenically pretty void and a long slow slog traffic wise. But when the reason is because there are fires all over the place, over 1000 homes and buildings destroyed, many displaced people due to home loss or evacuations, perspective kicks in pretty easily. 

That is from the area around the road I was going to take
There was one area on the new route that looked like a big lake on the map. In real life, at an average of 15 mph for close to 20 miles, it was more like a bog, a fen, a swamp without trees. And smelly. It's summer and algae bloom time, it might have been that. Then the road opened up, up and over a big bridge. I thought, yay! We're past Sacramento! But that was still ahead. It was time to take action, I thought I was starting to hallucinate an exit but it was real. I wandered until I found a place for a coffee and then a room for the night. So much for camping in the car on Day 1. A shower, a bed, a bed, did I mention a bed?

After a shower, I was renewed and wandered around the little garden here at the motel. I've never, ever, from Maine to California, been to an Indian run motel that didn't have flowers and vegetables growing around the property. This place was no different. Basic room, clean, wifi and growing things. That worked!

Beautiful moms in magic light time


Obviously, tomatoes

Mysterious tomato?

It's time to get back out there. Hopefully the Sacramento rush hour is over. Or not. Eastward!

Have a tread thoughtfully Thursday. Do something topographically.

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