Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tiny Home Tuesday ~ Tony

Tiny home can have a few meanings. This is one of them.

Tony and Suzanne lived on a boat ~ a tiny home ~ in the waters of Culebra, a tiny island that we call home. Yesterday land and salty tiny island home inhabitants gathered together to celebrate Tony's life, as he requested. What better way to say farewell than among friends who gather out of love, not duty, to share memories, laughter, a few tears and a lot of hugs? Tony knew just what love would be outpouring onto Suzanne out of love for them both. Good planning, Tony!

If love is sometimes a visible thing, yesterday was one of those times. 

It is impossible to think of Tony without thinking of him in his railroad hat. Ed made sure there were plenty to pass around for love and laughter. Ed worried they would't get here in time; they arrived yesterday, just in time. Coincidence? I think not!

Tony and his snifter...another classic part of Tony's style. Mike made sure we all got to share a toast of his favorite drink, in his favorite glass - keeping traditions alive. Thanks, Mike!

We watched a wonderful slide show put together by family along with friends who sent along our own photos of Culebra Tony. I'd never seen the 'younger' Tony, with his family members far North, it was wonderful!

Asked for some Tonyisms, we were reminded of some classic Tony zingers, always delivered in his straight man low key style. 

And then there was the Tony LookaLike contest, hosted by Nickie, Suzanne's sister.

Can you guess who won? I could just imagine Tony very slightly shaking his head.

Some bits of randomness.

Why Judy doesn't wear hats very often
From David Caraballo who comes over often from the big island -"He was a great guy, good sport. That photo was taken in xmas 2008, we approach to him at the table and asked "santa" for gifts, I ask him for a 29 foot motor boat and he told me that I was a naughty boy so, no boat!" 

Thank you, Tony, for sharing your life with us, and leaving us all a little bit better for having known you. 

Have tremendous tiny Tuesday. Do something in Tony think.

p.s. Any photos from yesterday (and yes, I have many, many more) would be greatly appreciated by Suzanne so she can put together a CD for his family in Canada. Get in touch with her to email them directly to her. 


  1. I hope all is well with Tony when he gets to the next island. I am somehow sure it will be. The swiftest passage is the safest, they say, but for me, the joy is in the lingering moments. Thanks for sharing this one.


    1. Knowing Tony, all is as well as well can be, or 'just about perfect' as he always answered when asked how he was doing.
