Wednesday, December 17, 2014

What Is It?

If I had my bigger lens with me...

If I'd seen this better in real life, I'd have gone back to the Turtle to GET the bigger lens, but I didn't. I thought it was the same hawk from a month ago, here on Lake Panasoffkee.

And then I looked at the photo. It definitely wasn't that hawk, not even close. What kind of bird is this? I can hazard a guess or two but I'd love for a real bird person to clue me in for sure!

This is cropped to about 1/4 of the original
Obviously cropped to fuzzy more-ness
It will be time to head farther south tomorrow, moving toward spending the holiday with my brother, for the first time in close to 30 years. There will be some short stops along the way of new and old places.

While these days, 50 in the morning is almost a heat wave, I can feel the call of a stronger sun and sand and sea getting louder all the time.

Have a  warm Wednesday. Do something wavishly.


  1. "What kind of bird is this?" I'd go with juvenile Anhinga (second guess: adult female Anhinga)---they're odd-looking beasts!
    Take a look at

    1. Oh my gosh!!! I think you might be correct though I'd never have guessed that...this is serious anhinga territory but I've never seen a young one before, that serious difference in the color line. I'll be checking in awhile in hopes of seeing it again, thanks!

  2. I have no idea but once again I am in awe with your photography and eye for a stunning shot.
