Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Talkin' Trash Tuesday

I know, this is supposed to be Tiny Home Tuesday but since way too often it is NOT Tiny Home Tuesday, I figured honesty was the best policy. What I'm going to do instead is a final pick up and photo crawl of the homeward boundness of my winter odyssey. Then we'll deal with tiny home bits and pieces. I think.

Anyone who has read this blog for any length of time knows I love to take photos out of the window when I'm flying. It is such a multi-layered passing the time thing to do - fun with clouds or clear scenery, I don't breathe my neighbors' air, I can gobble up what is out there for later on...So here is, once again, one of my very favorite places to see when flying home, the Bahamas chain.

The shelf

Yes, that is looking down, not up

Sorry for the window reflections!

Between the clouds, their reflections and the underwater play, I almost broke my neck taking shot after shot of this section. 

The clarity was pretty crazy. 

Next stop, San Juan. Please buckle your seat belt.

Taxi to Isla Grande, a wonderful wait running into Betz and Judy and John, then it was off to Culebra. HOORAY!!

While I was gone, some interesting and wonderful changes occurred. Lots of paintings all over town that I've not really had a chance to spend time with, and a few unexpected improvements, like this one. The egret was so perfectly there I wondered for a second if it was yet another piece of art. It wasn't, it was just Culebra having a laugh with me.

Dinghy Dock, Friday night (the Friday before last). Always a good place to catch up.

The kitchen stays the kitchen with Arlene at the helm!
That witness protection program needs some work!
Two Dougs and a Mariel = smile makers
It was closing in on - and then it was - Three King's Day. I heard music and went outside to see what was going on. It was almost a paranda with some extras on hand.

The moon was almost full.

On Three King's Day we stopped at Happy Landing to grab some beverages to bring to a party. There was already a party in progress there, with a pig on a spit and a turkey deep frying. I've never seen a pig done like this but whatever works, works! We were invited but said we would be back later. There were Kings to see!

If you can identify that hand, you win a prize.

So long you beautiful thing, we'll be back!
At the party that was our original destination, food, drink, laughter and pickles flowed. And yes, they did arrive! Truthfully, these were some naughty Kings and I'll just leave it at that. Ok, not quite that, they were hilariously naughty.

The party was still going strong at Happy Landings after we left the Kings, so a detour into Happy Landing looked like a great idea. It was.

Lots of familiar and smiling faces.

Some sharp pool going on. 

We were given a  good size to go container made up out of the remains - and there weren't many - of pork and turkey, beans and rice and I think some kind of dessert. 
Mariel wanted the pig's head. I still shudder when I think of Lord of the Flies, but no doubt she has something much more positively creative in mind. I'm pretty sure. I hope. I have no idea, I just opened the bag and said, "Take the head." So if anyone is wondering what happened to the head? It was us. Thanks for trying to dance with me, Winchy, I wish I knew how to dance REAL steps but that's for another lifetime. In the meantime, I hope I didn't break any toes.

Lots of good dancing going on. 
Finally, the holidays were over, the hordes gone for now and I could actually hear Walt when he told me about the crickets he makes out of straws.

I think they are wonderful and that every drink should have one in it. Except maybe not beer.

Zaco's still glows for me.

Some people need to get on with drinking that Frida Kahlo tequila.  Zuleyma, a big FK fan, is lusting after the bottle. 
Yesterday Molly and I saw this ship and couldn't figure out what it was. This photo is fuzzy because I cropped it to see if it would show up and give its secret up. It did.

That's a wrap. Ok, Baba Ram Das, it's time to Be Here Now.

Have a tolerant Tuesday. Do something tip toeingly transforming.


  1. Flying over the Bahamas, spectacular. Astronauts say the Bahamas waters are the most beautiful in the world. A few years ago, we flew from Ft Lauderdale to Eleuthera in a 19 seater at 12,000 ft. Breathtaking!!
    Richard Alpert, Ram Dass, one of my '60's gurus. I was living in California and the radio would broadcast his readings. I would sit and listen to the 'truth', mind a wee bit altered. ;-))

  2. I was feeling down, missing Culebra and my friends, when I came across your blog. Love your pictures! They are lovely and full of life. Thank you.
