Sunday, July 22, 2018

Little Black Sands Birthday & Flowering Bits Too

Beach time birthdays run pretty much through our little gene pool and that is a good thing!

There are two places we go to at Shelter Cove; the boat ramp area and Little Black Sands. Little Black Sands holds a lot of memories, so we headed there. The path from the cliff tops to the beach used to be pretty scary, rough and uneven, eroded away in some places, but these days it is like a smooth and gentle dirt ramp. I'd not seen it like this yet and worried our slippery soled shoes would mean being super careful. Instead, it was a stroll in the park. I'm not much for beach 'improvements' but this one? Nice!

I thought I got more of the path down here but
that's the top and the end of the road

When a 2 year old can walk this path unaided, Grandma is happy.
When Grandma can walk this path without sitting on her butt
part of the way? Happy.

I have no idea what these are but they fit into the cliffside like
intentional landscaping

Symbiotic mussel and sea weed

One lone gull
While it looks pretty grey, the rocks, stones and sand were perfectly sun warmed and the air was just perfectly on the cool side. Back up at the berry farm, we'd left 97 degree hide-in-the-shade weather. 

The sun was weakly out, despite the low hanging fog.

Seaweeds and mussel shells among the beautiful black rocks.
I don't know who scribbles the mysterious etchings on the stones but
they never fail to intrigue me. 

Nesta is a very patient girl.
Rock star!!
Back at the boat ramp to pick up Dave, we recreated the
family photo of Iko's first trip to the beach two years ago. 
Back up at Sarah's, we grilled dinner. Fish and good sausages, asparagus and fresh corn. That works. 

Happy birthday, kiddo!

After lots of other coloring, mainly mermaids, O surprised us with a family drawing.

Dad, Mom, Grandma, Auntie Sarah, Dave, O, Iko
with Nesta and a friend's dog Kota too.
This morning I did another garden walkabout in the early morning light. So much is blooming and beautiful, with much on the verge of bountiful.

A few squash have already made it to the table

These are from some bean plants I sent out earlier, but
I don't remember now what kind of beans. Oops!

Yesterday we got some birthday / Big Sister Day plants from Charlotte the Plant Lady.
This is a red current, and a white current came home too.
Iko filled herself up on most of the white currents.

One of the dye plants Allie has going.

Gorgeous flowers will make gentle colors.
Today, Sunday Funday, will be more 'catch up on undone things' day. I'm gathering myself together to soon head east (it's so weird to write head east) to Kansas to spend some time with my oldest daughter and older grandchildren for awhile. Poco a poco!

Have a sanitive Sunday! Do something soothing. 

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