Sunday, September 26, 2010

Some catch up...sans photos

The drive from Northern California to Portland was full of a lot of things...roads with twists and turns and more twists and turns, for one. I think I put a wee dent in the passenger side floorboard, but Elijah did an excellent job of driving and the only time I got a little freaked was when I thought we were going to run out of gas - which we didn't. When did my children get so smart?

Along the way we stopped at some friends of his who have a serene place in Grant's Pass, OR. Next door to them (outside of their fenced acres) lives a family of bears; apparently generational on the property for 50 years plus. Not pets, just...there. Supposedly they are well behaved bears...ok. We kept the dogs close by.

We got to their house, an unplanned stop, via the worst food I've ever tried to eat in my life - do NOT believe that all neat wooden signs advertising breweries mean a cool place. If you are ever hungry in Cave Junction, Oregon and see a sign for Wild River Brewing & Pizza Co., keep driving, there is hope up the road. Or in our case, there was Brit and John up the road, where we grilled fantastic locally made sausage, with squash and corn from Elijah's farm. Oh, we should have known when the bbq 'choice of meat' offerings included turkey or pastrami. Or when Elijah ordered his Black Angus burger on the rare side and she told us it was already cooked...yes, we should have walked then, but nooooooooooo. At the end, after a bite of our food choices each, when we declared - well, Elijah, much more politely than I would have, declared the food inedible, we were offered the choice of cash back or a gift certificate...just typing that makes me feel queasy...we took the money and ran. Were the dogs still in the car? What WAS that on those buns???

Lunch blurred the memory and then we were off to Eugene, to meet up with a musician friend of mine I haven't seen for 40 years. It was great to see Pete and meet his girlfriend Rosemary, who is editor for Northwest Travel and Oregon Coast magazines. Pete is still playing music and I felt 16 again for a few minutes there. I look forward to having more time with them next year...

Finally in Portland with Sarah. Seeing Sarah and Elijah together just gets my Mama heart melty, which disgusts them while they grin. Now Elijah has gone back to California and the kaleidoscope turns again. It's been a beautiful turning.

Sorry about no photos...Blogger is doing something tweaky to their photo upload bit and I can't seem to get anything where it should be. So photos next, hopefully.

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