Thursday, August 8, 2013

Laundry Day ~ Life's a Beach

If it was easy, everyone would do it.

The hour grew late, while a machine churned away fabric infused with sweat and dirt and grime. On the human side, so did this.

I have no idea who these people are, but they'd obviously had a good day and left no trash behind them.

Goodbye Sun, see you on the flipped side.
Usually my clothes hang in the sun and breeze to dry, rather than using a machine. So early early this morning, digging out a towel from the stack of clean, it was still warm from the dryer, the air was still cool enough to savor those drying off moments. That's about as close to winter as I'd like to get. For now.

Have a terrific terry toweled Thursday. Do something temperate.

p.s. No, there are no washing machines or dryers on the beach. Thankfully.


  1. Thought we were going to see a picture of your undies drying on a string...

    rehane 331
