Sunday, October 5, 2008

World Dance

I have a small list of things I want to write about, but then find something else instead - the world is so full of a number of things! I'll get around to the rest eventually.

When I saw this video (after seeing a video someone sent me that they were sure would make me cry, but left me dry eyed) I started by laughing and ended by crying. Good tears...I think.

What does this have to do with Culebra? Was it the time in Milka's that we all started dancing to some canned Christmas music (and I mean all, tourists, locals, owners)? Is it the feeling that I get here those times when everyone just comes together and the grin on my face hurts? That could be part of it. Or maybe I'm just a sap for the idea of the world laughing together, and here, in my world, that happens a lot.

There is a lot more about the making of this video, and other work Matt has done. In the meantime, just dance!

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