Friday, October 29, 2010

Culebra 's Loud Pink Dawning

The louvers on my windows are the solid kind, which means they are usually flat wide open for the view and air. But we've been having on and off rain showers, and the 'weather side' window has been 3/4 shut since last night. As I sat here drinking my tea and doing whatever it is I do early in the morning, a dense pink light crept in the window like fog, suffusing the air inside with an almost tangible color. I ran outside and started snapping away, Cwim going crazy running up and down the yard. Maybe because I was quietly yelling Oh my! Oh! Oh! Oh! Or maybe that's just her.

There are times in shooting photos that I almost want to scream in frustration because I can't gather in everything I'm seeing and feeling and this morning was one of those times. Circling around, trying to capture, in a tiny little box, a sense of the sultry thick atmosphere that almost felt like pink thin water in my throat, was impossible. Then to add another layer of oh!ness, on the last turning there was a rainbow, half in the pinkness, the rest fading into  blue...finally becoming its whole arced self over a span of ten minutes or so. It might still be hanging out there...I stopped trying and just enjoyed the wonder.

The pinkness is gone now and we've calmed down. But all thoughts of what I was going to write have been swept away by color. Maybe later.

Here is what the camera saw. I've only sharpened a few of the photos. I know how to bring out color but I don't know how to tone it down out of the ridiculously, insanely full. These aren't 'good' photos but sometimes, that doesn't matter much. The rainbow isn't nearly as wonderful as it was in real life, but I'm putting it in anyway...

Top of the pink morning to you!

Have a fabulous Friday! Do a farruca!


  1. They're spectacular just the same, MJ. Thank you for sharing them.

  2. Thanks, was very awesome.

  3. We call this color 'sky blue pink' and you captured it perfectly!

  4. Thank you, Kerri! I really like that name...
