Saturday, December 31, 2016

In With the New (2017 finally!), Out With the Old (some not so bad)

New Year's Eve, or Old Year's Night as they say over on Jost, is upon us. I could say a whole lot here but I'll spare you, mostly of what you already know. There was good, there was bad, there was joy and there was sorrow. Hopefully your balance sheet ended up more on the good side and if not, my hopes are starting for you and me at 12:01 2017.

My big joy this year, Iko Buddha Baby Rey
(photo by Mom Alliena, thanks!)
Last night we hit town early (and left early, by Culebra night life standards). It was quiet and fun and just enough celebration that skipping tonight will be just fine. 

The first stop was Dinghy Dock, where Molly was serenading the bar.
Hilariously and in full operatic mode.
The city dock is full!

The new thing in tenders for BIG boats are these giant RIBs.
If you have 6 figures to spend on a dinghy, you can have one too.
We headed down to the ferry dock to hear the children sing. Waiting for the ferry to clear out gave us enough time to chat with these guys, who are dealers for these very cool looking electric bikes. They go about 18 mph, around 30 miles on a 2 hour charge and cost 1300.00. I think that's right. I don't know how you get in touch with them, sorry!

Then the singing began. The kids were GREAT! and funny too. 

She was wonderful, solo-ing and leading the kids in the chorus.

Talk about skirt swishing!!! And this little boy was priceless.
The singing was over, it was time for a slice of pizza and a libation. Unfortunately, I didn't get a photo of the GIANT slice (mine with jalapeños (no anchovies but I'll bring some next time) Linda's with sausage, both with lots of cheese, both really delicious. The place was slammed but no one was complaining. It was well worth the wait. Good job, servers and cooks!

The libation was next door, at the Spot, with Fede.

This is the not X-rated version of this photo.
Once again I was reminded that despite some of the too many hard things this year, there is a constant in my life of amazingly good friends and incredible beauty if I take both heart and eyes to see. And just like last year (almost), this year I know I will choose again and again to hold on the the steel cable lifeline of those things when the ground seems to be swept from under my feet. And that's a very fine thing. 

Signed, The Luckiest Woman in the World.

Have a stay steadfast Saturday. Do something semi-terrestrial. 

Monday, December 26, 2016

Happy Boxing Day 2016! (photo heavy, fair warning!)

Because I've given all of my servants the day off, this might end up being short. I've got wood to chop, yarn to spin, water to draw and must find someone to get the knot out of my corset laces. I can barely breathe.

Or, it may just be a tighter waistband after yesterday's Christmas party at Flamenco. There were wonderful feasts going on all over the island, with a lot of love and laughter being passed around. 

Perfectly cooked turkey.
If I praise white meat on a bird? It's good!

It was a pretty close to perfect day.

Staggered eating, people kept showing up with more food
It sort of felt like the miracle of the oil lamps of Chanukah.

Chocolate chip cookies!
'Better than Oreos' lived up to the hype

Molly serenaded their arrival

And no one was arrested!

This little sweetie taught me some simple words in Danish.
Sand sounds like sand. With a t. Sort of. When she said it.

She also made me a little present of tree bits and bobs, but it kept falling apart. I, of course, would have tried to fix it, with glue if necessary, because I was so charmed. She, in all practicality, tossed it away on the sand after the fourth fail. 

With the parade still to come, a brief nap seemed like a really good idea. And it was, even if sleep wasn't a part of a little rest time. It's a pretty sure bet that the parade will be late. Sometimes really late. I wanted to be daisy fresh. Ok, that sounds like an ad for a toilet bowl cleaner or some other intimate hygienic product. Let's move on.

How the Parade Started Early for Me 

I decided to walk into town from housesitting hill. Parking would be a nightmare and the potential of being over-served is always out there.

I hadn't even reached the main road when the big flatbed truck, with Tomas aboard, came by. I wanted to be on that truck and when Tomas reached out a hand and pulled me on, I finally got to ride on a float. That was actually never on any bucket list of mine, but the appeal was absolutely obvious. Music played. I waved like a queen. It was awesome.

Yes!! I'm sort of almost running!

Finishing touches were being put on vehicles all over town

Tomas announcing my Queenship (not really)

The big staging took place on the road by the airport. 

Two adorable elves

Yes, that's a real goat

Helping some seriously costumed parade participants reach the ground safely

It became obvious that my float...wasn't mine anymore.

These two totally intrigued me

I decided to walk back to town, and luckily didn't have to walk at all. Thanks for the ride, guy I didn't know.

People were already lining the street, finding their favorite spot, but it would be awhile before the parade showed up. No worries, more friend and family time!

Then the secret signal happened, and here came the first float.

I thought I'd have just enough time to get a drink from Fede.
Thanks for the homemade coozy, amigo!

Is this one of those things that has always been there and I never noticed it?
Very nice!

Hello! Let the games begin!

My favorite merpeople

And a fine Jack Sparrow (nothing on Jack Parrett, but hey, I'm not complaining!)

'So, what's with the same dress thing?'
'Nothing really, we just each have one and decided to wear them'
The smiles they are wearing look equally great on them.

It's always good to see Liz.
I think there might have been a small earthquake,
both of us out at night at the same time!

Pick your character, any character. I'm pretty sure they were there.

It's incredible how winsome a hand gesture can make a character.

Maybe my favorite moment of the whole parade.
With many runners-up.

"Work hard. Dream big." What a great motto to live by!

There were even mocko jumbies! Bad me, I don't know what the Spanish name is for these stilt walkers, regardless, they were great and a big hit with the crowd.

They were moving fast!

Away in a manger
I don't really understand the characters thing but they were a lot of fun and a good time was being had by all. But I had a 4 legged friend to check up on. It had been a long day and heading for the barn was an easy choice. 

I do understand Boxing Day. As with many holidays, it's changed much over the years but within its original meaning, I find comfort and joy. You can read about it here. And while this sentence in the article won't tell you much, it will tell you my plans for the day (with a tee shirt rather than a sweater): It’s a holiday best spent lounging around in brightly colored sweaters, wondering, lazily and lethargically, what to do next.

Have a Boxing Day Monday. Do something magically meaningful. Or not.