Thursday, August 19, 2010

Juanito in Maine!

Yesterday we got together with Juanito, Randi and Moya, along with Randi's parents at their cottage. COOKIE LION!!!!

For an extra surprise, Alex was there as well. He'd read on Facebook that the three of them would be in Maine and phone tag began. As Alex said, it's weird how everyone we've seen in Maine with a Culebra connection all seem to have been in about the same area of the state, within an hour or so. Which around here is a drive to the movies...

Moya has, naturally, gotten bigger, as have all our little babies who aren't babies anymore. And she's a talker! Can't imagine where that comes from... Words never really work for me when saying much about Juanito, who is more of an experience of the heart (of Culebra and of life). But the words we did use were about Moya (the reason to start running as he gets close to home after work) his cooking job (he loves it, new place, Doyle's), their new house (right across from the community garden), Culebra (he misses it very, very much) and how rare chicken doesn't have to be a bad thing. Got me on the chicken, sweetie! Oh, and he cooked dinner for us that included some of the prettiest and most delicious grilled veggies I've ever eaten.

So here, for those of you who miss Juanito as much as he misses you, is the Maine version. This is across the street from Randi's parents place. The rocks are an extraordinary tumble of geological earth changes. I'd love to have a video in a few thousands of years at a time speed file!

Juanito displaying a lovely ball of seagull vomit

On the phone with Bike Steve

See you on the flip side, mi amigo!

Have a true Thursday! Do something tasty.

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