Today's post was going to be a very long rant about the drug Lyrica, which I heard about on television last night (and then read about on many sites, this one from the SELLER'S perspective; yes, get scared). What got me going was the list of side effects, which seemed endless and tragically severe, being touted for a pain that I've heard of but only in recent years. And it turns out it wasn't even made for that... As I read through a page of user comments (this is just a sample page, there is actually an anti-Lyrica Facebook page, along with hundreds of others around the internet), one comment said that after a slow weaning off of the drug, her doctor recommended strong exercise for her pain. I know there are many pain inducing situations, but it seems the cure might not worth the price here.
One commenter said, I wished before I started all these medications I knew what I was getting into. And I thought, well, no kidding!!! Unless you are terminally ill, it would, I think, behoove any drug user to study about the drug prescribed before popping it down in hopes of quick relief. That is what the internet is best at doing, really. As a research tool, it is invaluable to the lay person; use it!
Ah, but I wasn't going to rant about that...the alternative was to write about Tina Nordstrom, this apparently quite well known chef that I've never seen before (along with a lot of other things I seem to be unaware of in the world). There she was, cooking in Lapland in an ice hotel, bundled up as she cooked her moose stew - hopefully now I'll think of Tina when I think of moose stew - chopping, adding, like SO, it should be done! I felt like I was watching a particularly pretty and adept Army cook. "This is how it is done and you WILL do it this way!" She didn't actually say that, but you better get the damn message. I think she's GREAT! Then she made this dessert of stewed berries and wine and cinnamon sticks with cream thing topping - that took three minutes and served it to some bundled up couple (after she showed us a shot of the bedroom, saying how lucky that couple was, look at that bed, LOOK, you will).
Wikipedia's entry on her says, and I quote:
"Nordström won the Swedish Let's Dance television show in 2008. She is now working as an infomercial salesperson. Her latest pitch is the Egg Genie, an egg cooker that cooks hard-boiled eggs in an instant."
I think she must be much too...um, Tina, to attract staying the staying power of the gushy Rachal Ray. Or something. Anyway, Tina's pretty funny, even if she is not supposed to be, so if you get a chance, catch her stand-up sometime.
Oops, nothing to do with Culebra OR Maine. Prescription: turn off television, go outside.
New yard addition from Morrill - a very heavy stone Japanese lantern...solidly serene
Have as painless a Sunday as possible! Do something vertical.
You are so lucky not to have TV on a regular basis.
ReplyDeleteWell, I don't know if it's luck that I choose not to own a television, but it works!