Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Rush of Slow Time

I had this whole blog planned for this morning, but. I woke up early and took a walk instead, wowed by trees and birds and...more trees and more birds. I took a lot of photos and meant to put them together with the sky photos I took on the flight, wanting to talk about how coastlines and islands are ruined with no care, because I got photos of barrier islands that should sink under the weight of overbuilding. But then, the day took me over and then there was something that made my heart so much happier than the sadness of worrying about Culebra being destroyed by greedy bastards. Which weighs on me a lot.

Instead, I'll show you a little visual miracle (and more). We were on descent into Hartford and going through the cloud layer. I'd put my camera away for the fifth time but it was so pretty, I took it out again. Then, there was this circle rainbow. I couldn't get it but THEN!!!!! There was the shadow of the plane INSIDE the circle rainbow!!!! My hands were shaking like mad and I was just hoping to get it and...I did. Not perfectly but, there it is. I told the captain about it on the way out and he said getting that shot was one of those, gotta be in the right place right time moments, with a grin. Hope it makes you smile too. I am.

The first thing I saw on my walkabout this morning was this empty bird feeder, with an added bit of flora. I like it.

But then there was the full bird feeder.

This bird feeder draws birds that'd me. I haven't seen them in a long time.
This bell is from my friend's grandmother's plantation in Cuba. We rang it.
 It's loudloudloudloudloud. And awesome. More of that later.
We took one of the daughters to work; on the way we back saw this. I had to share it...what a beauty!
We stopped for something and I saw this truck. I asked the guys if I could take the photo and one guy says sure and another guy says, do you know what this is? I realize he's not talking about the truck, he's talking about what's on the radio - Johnny Cash. He says, it's just like the 60's! I say,'s not? He looked confused.
Instead, there are way too many photos I took but you can stop any time you like. This is the backyard of the house where I spent so many hours last year cleaning up a sad horror zone of a person's leftover life. Now it's all beautiful and for sale, but we get to hang out there until that day happens. We'd had a day of work at the home house and it was time to jump in the pool at Collins. This is what we saw.

Mama and not so new baby

Jim called to me to look over the swampy ground. There was a deer, just meandering across. My heart went boing.

He was not far away. He was not scared. It was wondrous.
 While back on the water, the ducks and the swans carried on.

First it was just mother and one. Then...the whole famdamily came out, except for Papa, who kept watch

Across the way, a heron made his dinner dance

They swam and floated and ate and learned and played and then went back to home ground. Because that's how it should be. And we did the same, except in a pool and as friend and family. It was all good.

Since it really is Wednesday but getting close to Thursday? Have a wonderfully winding down Wednesday falling into a totally true Thursday. Do something wastefully wonderfully triumphant.


  1. I like your Florida and Connecticut blogs as much as your Culebra.
    thank you!!!!

  2. Thank you, Paul! I have as good a time doing them where ever I am, and I'm incredibly lucky to be in beautiful places.

  3. Swans and geese are such proud parents. In our marina they go from A to B to C to D dock parading their offspring. "Look at my children, aren't they beautiful!" Love the circle rainbow. It's easy to see how pilots fall in love with flying. Like music to musicians.

  4. Shawke, yes to all with smiles.
