Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tiny Home Tuesday ~ Culebra

First, a personal hat's off to six amazing people who pulled off the fastest move I've ever made in my life, complete with plants! Color me shockingly blessed and humbly grateful. On to sorting and sifting to find the houseboat life worthy, the giveaways and the junk, and put each in its respective new home. Now back to our regularly scheduled etc. etc. 

Some of the features on the place I was housesitting a week ago really impressed me. First, I love traditional Caribbean architectural design, because to me it ticks off everything I look for in a home, the lines are clean yet have great visual style. Also, while building in many practical aspects, beauty is still achieved. At least, my idea of beauty.

Keeping it simple with style

One of my favorite things in this home. 
The top window is opened and closed by a slender piece of rope strung through a drilled hole in  the lower corner of the window frame and knotted. This goes through a hole in the upper window frame to the inside. On the inside window framing about the midpoint of the windows is a small cleat. Loosen the rope, the window closes, pull it taut and secure it to the cleat, the window is open. This means lots of air space but the window can be closed and opened (from the inside, handy at certain times of year) without any mechanical bits and parts to get corroded by salt air and Sahara dust. We have plenty of both.

Plus, the shutters are just smart. No nasty metal wind catchers to cut your hands or heavy pieces of plywood to take on or pull off during H season; rather, just...shut or open them. Shutters.

A door on a barn door slider takes care of the windows and louvers on this (side of the house). Slide it, latch it, done. 

The smaller cut tile makes for a less slippery walk and keeps a clean look. Deep overhanging eaves....well I don't need to explain the value of them, do I? And they look wonderful.  
I know, I should have taken a photo of the whole place but I didn't. The roof is done in the traditional style of old Caribbean homes, with four pitched sides.  So even though this is not an old home, many of the positive aspects in island building were applied here. That works for for me.

For a good look at Caribbean architecture from the USVI's to the BVI's along with Cuba (including a lot of well done historical info on same), take a look at some of Michael Connors books. I met Michael many years ago on St. Croix and learned most of what I know about this style of home - and the furnishings within - from him and my at the time boss, George Tyler. While many of the homes in the books are grand, there are plenty that are small and simple, reflecting the best of what can be had in a tiny / small home. Islanders had it figured out, partly from an understanding of the weather here, partly from circumstances. A good combination, knowledge and necessity and an eye for symmetry, with some whimsy tossed in for the ride. 

Have a trustable Tuesday. Do something trippingly transcendent.

1 comment:

  1. I love the woodwork around the doors an windows. And those windows! Wow!! What a treat.
