Friday, June 12, 2015

Along the Way

Sometimes it is hard to get someone to answer the phone when you need some information around here. After a couple days of trying it was apparent that just going to the source would be a lot smarter. Of course, no one was there either... But as often happens on Culebra, if you just poke around long enough (which isn't usually very long at all), you'll find someone to help you out so you can consider your question answered, even if not necessarily solved. 

"When the party wishes to leave the office he talks into the latter instrument, telling it what time he will return, or where he can be reached, then sets the phone for operation."

But that's not what I wanted to say. 
Just kidding.

My mission was to find out if there would be a boat registration here this month. Ultimately, without taking you kicking and screaming and bored through the whole ordeal, the answer is no. 

(Thanks, Normalita, at ACDEC, for taking time with me and including the offer to make sure if I didn't get my answer you would check in for me later on) Culebra happens that way. A lot.

So it's Humacao or Ceiba for June, for you people whose boat registration is this month. Since I plan to be gone in July for some road rambling, an over the water trip it shall be. I used to say I'd never go to Humacao but I've been through there now and I think I'd like to explore it a bit. The Rosie Roads office is confusing as hell to get to interesting, and it may end up being where I go, but maybe Humacao...

After all was said and done I thought, how arduous a trip is it from anywhere to anywhere here, really? Okay, unless it's winter and you have to get to the bank, but even there, you eventually make it and can look out the window to the sea. How bad is that?

So it is going out to DRNA. It's beautiful out there. And I didn't wreck my phone.

The bridge from this perspective always looks like there is no canal. There is.

Some of the most whimsical steps on Culebra.
The MOST whimsical steps (below) are gone now.
What was a secret garden is now a bulldozed, getting built on illegally hillside.
Those were the days, my friend.

Leading up to one of the most strange and wonderful structures on Culebra.
So what if the rock isn't big  enough?

I'm guessing this is an old cistern?
It looks like the cement has cracked along the rock shapes beneath it.

Two frangipanis in the yard of Susie's going full blown

Two of my favorite trees, a frangipani and orchid tree.
I don't know if it is really called an orchid tree, that's just what I've always called it.

The day drew to a close (as it always does) and the bounce back from the setting sun put on a good cloud show.
Gulls were heading to roosting spots

Colors and shapes for eye candy

I see an angel

Goodnight, Sol
From being ready to slam my phone against the floor to breathing sanely and realizing, again, frustration changes nothing, it was another good trip around the solar system. Here in Paradox.


  1. What a delight to travel around your island when we can. Always new sights; always interesting tidbits.

    1. Glad you enjoy the journey, just as I do with your world. One of these days, Miss Pollyanna.

  2. I grew up on st john knowing that as a "poor man's" orchid tree.......

    1. Yes! I've heard that, now that I read your words. Funny how a lot of things starting with 'poor man's' whatever is actually quite rich.
