Thursday, June 4, 2015

Throwback Culebra 2009

If you aren't on Facebook (bless your heart), you might not know about Throwback Thursday. It's the day lots of people post photos going back many years. Sometimes it is family, sometimes it is events. I've learned a lot about my friends' families that I never knew, have been reminded of old times that made me smile and shed a tear or two seeing faces I'll never see on this plane again. 

I was looking for a photo and came across a post that stirred up so many Culebra feelings I thought I'd toss it in the throwback mixing bowl. So here you go.


And then there was the March of the Muellecito. I listened to speeches and the passion of Culebra's heart, her people. History was re-told about growing up right on Flamenco beach before the Navy dislocated the population. The local police stood in a line, listening, while Victor Gonzalez's henchmen stood taking photos of us taking photos of them. The No Entre sign was displayed on an easel, as if we were at a museum. And we WERE at a living museum, but it isn't Victor's history, or his ancestors that are being disturbed.

Suddenly the talking stopped and we peacefully walked in to what Culebra already owns. There was no disorder. There was no disrespect. There were groans and shock at the destruction that has occurred under the direction of Victor Gonzalez. The local police respectfully stood by, as members of their family walked in and out, talking, singing, hearing story. It was a good day for Culebra. These three photos pretty well sum it up.

One of these people is not like the others~~~~~~~

May we all be as passionate and real at 87!

Coming home

Elders of the familia

and now, on to the new! With all that it promises. Living here makes me feel strong enough for all the good and all the work to make life good.


I could go on about what happened next, what is happening now, but I'm going to stay in that moment awhile. It was a very good one. 

Have a talismanic Thursday. Do something tautological.

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