Saturday, February 21, 2009


I found out tonight that the daughter of some old friends (I've not been in touch with for many years) was killed by a drunk driver in California. I could go into details...of course he's pleading not guilty...but right now...I just want to hold up David and Ellie and Emily (there is a brother and sister too...I didn't really know them, but I know with David and Ellie as parents, they are a delight and I hold them up entwined).

But I remember Emily...her as a baby, a little girl. I don't know why I have this memory and maybe Ellie will help me on it, but I see Emily in this big funny, so cute. Reading her friends memories she obviously turned into a wonderful young woman, life curious and loving. No surprise to me...David and Ellie cherished her, and no doubt, her siblings. And being cherished by them was a huge thing...they loved large. I only use past tense's been long since I have been touched by them; no doubt all is still the same.

So..while it has been a thousand years since those days...I do remember and my heart breaks for the senseless, stupid reason for the loss of Emily. I'm so, so sorry. and all I can offer up is my sorrow and memories...the joy of her birth - I remember!!!...your love, her beauty...and a Emily. Emily.

1 comment:

  1. What a surprise to see my lovely Emily on your space. She always loved hats and wore them with great grace and beauty. I am beside myself with grief. It doesn't seem fair or right that the world keeps going on and people grow tomatoes and walk on the beach and watch the sun set or rise. It does not seem right. I love tomatoes and basil and goat cheese (because it is milder and sweeter than feta). I have a small garden and grow my own basil and sweet cherry tomaoes. Emily loved to come and pick the fruit warm off the vine and eat them. Oh God....
