Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sunday Ramble

I've been trying to finish the book Wild Swans for way too long now while sitting at the cart, in between making jewelry or wind chimes or whatever I am feeling like making. Like 3 Cups of Tea, this book should be required reading for every American citizen, particularly our politicians. It's so intense that really, I can't read it for sustained periods and have probably read 12 other books while getting through it. But today, Peter, who loaned it to me, nicely asked how I was going as he wanted to send it to a friend, but "no pressure, really, MJ!". I get riled up inside reading it, with the refrain 3 trillion dollars we owe to this government. Why would the US government shun Cuba loudly and long due to their being a Communist country and then not only climb into bed, but copulate furiously with China, a Communist country with a horrendous record of human rights violations going back decades and decades? Why why why why...and then. Joy.

Joy in the form of beautiful babies, a small parade of babies, a plethora of purity and innocence (the babies, not the Moms!). Daphne, Moton , Olivia, Moya, over and then over again. Soothing my spirit while I held them, inhaling them and their baby nectar. Oh joy.

Raquel & Daphne

Randi & Moya

Randi & Moya with Monika & Olivia

And for those of you women who find babies not to your pictoral liking - I admit it, I can barely stand Anne Geddes baby pictures (considering them bordering on the teetering edge of both child and artistic abuse) though when they first came out I thought they were fairly cute - I will include a shot I forgot to put in the other night. Enjoy, don't touch, they are both taken. Of course (feeling slighted boys? I have cutie chicas in here all of the time, but we'll do a bathing suit issue one of these days).

and for those of you who don't care for humans at all, here is how my day started, which isn't a bad way to begin.

Happy Sunday! I'm off soon to hang out with Linda at Dinghy Dock for our yearly traditional "we don't give a damn about the teams, we want to see the commercials and sing along at half-time" Super Bowl Sunday at Dinghy Dock.

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