One of the three

Coming across in the dinghy I saw a big grey Policia boat which
made me notice an incredible rainbow. Thanks, ya dirty coppahs!

Not-a-Tourist Mike with his very own rainbow...now don't you feel better, guy?

Neil made Mike (the OTHER Mike) his very own Whining Pole.
Need I say more? No.
Need I say more? No.

The rest of this Monday is brought to you by the letter M! Make the most of it.
does Mike pole dance on his whining pole?
ReplyDeleteThe nice thing about Mike's Whining Pole is that it is built extremely well to withstand even a hurricane. Which is good because it is going to be a L-O-N-G time before the Browns start winning and Mike stops whining. Happy Monday!!
Thankfully, no. But...it's square, that might have been inhibiting a bit.
ReplyDeleteFrank, being the not interested in football sort that I am, I did learn one thing, since it was repeated about, oh...100 times. "My team [the Browns] SUCK! They SUCK!"
ReplyDeleteSo I'm afraid you are right. Apparently the Browns suck.
At least Mike knows they suck. LOL!