Saturday, December 25, 2010

Culebra Christmas Eve (day and night)

The day could not have been more beautiful
I love the tradition at Milka's of having Santa show up for the kids (and the kid inside some of the adults). It's not really because of Santa, who, when I first moved here, wasn't really part of the scene, in favor of Three King's Day. But anytime you can see everyone really happy, and experience such generosity of spirit that Hector, Sandra, family and friends provide, is a good time.
And Sandra? That carrot cake roll? It was amazing!

Nice job, Santa, thanks for stopping by!

Waiting for Santa
And here he is!
Sandra, Hector and guy about to eat something yummy!

Daphne, not quite sure what to think of Santa

More goodies!

 And a good time was had by all!

The evening earthquake! Apparently around 7:30, Puerto Rico experienced a 5.1 (or 5.4, I've read both) shaking. I think I was listening to music about then and didn't notice it, but lots of people on PR, Vieques and Culebra felt it. Nothing since then...a good thing. A very good thing.

It also brought music...Son de Culebra at Dinghy Dock and Wiki's Sound Machine at Mamacita's. I bailed out lots earlier than I thought I would, but I have no doubt a very good time continued to be had by all, all over the island. I took a video of them to have here, playing White Christmas, but for some reason <grrrrrrrr> Google won't allow this particular video here. Maybe later...after I deal with their Grinchy spirit.

Santa getting a warm up before taking off for colder climes
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good day! Peace and love, pass it on.


  1. I'm glad Santa made it into the kid-heart of one MJ Stark!!! Felicidades, Chica!

  2. I think it's "egual" or "egualmente." No "q" in Spanish.

  3. Thanks. I looked it up and only sort of skimmed it and got it wrong - I thought it was wrong, but that's the joy of learning...according to one source it's igual. Ok, some native speaker, which is it?!
