Monday, October 3, 2011

Culebra Day and Night ~ Sunday into Monday Songs

Yesterday was one of those really hot, really beautiful days we've been hanging on a string since the daily rains stopped. Someone said it rained on the island somewhere yesterday, but it wasn't on me.

Being with friends, in and out of the water, some good food, good drink and a lot of laughter; all of the basic ingredients for a fine Sunday, Culebra style.

 Way out there, much more clear in real life than in this photo, is Vieques

 Truer than true blues

 I love these turquoise stones...

 Orchids of orange. I'm jealous!

 Sun sprite light

 One of these guys is not like the others~~~~

Friends.  Fresh from the sea, happy to be (I don't really have a hump on my back, just a shoulder blade that looks like one here!)

 The real meaning of a Sundowner

Goodnight, goodnight, it's time to go...

Today, for the first time in awhile, there is a lovely breeze blowing. The sun is up, the sky is blue, it's beautiful and so are you. Don't forget it!

Have a mongo Monday! Do something most-of-all.


  1. Dang! It seems like it was nice yesterday everywhere in the world but here!
    I like the pic of you though. Humpback.
