Saturday, October 1, 2011

Happy 1st of October! and a few other things

With Ophelia and Phillipe far to the north of us, we can look out for others, hoping they will be well, and sigh some thanks for ourselves, again.

Culebra in the clear for the momento

Sahara dust falling over from a strange spot...and doing a nice job!

Yesterday afternoon I got a great dinghy ride in to Dinghy Dock, singing Happy Birthday to Neil with a lot of help from his friends. "If you don't have Happy Birthday sung to you at least five times, you're nobody." Neil - he's definitely somebody, off key, out of sync, in English and Spanish (no matter how bad our Spanish is, we all know how to sing Feliz CumpleaƱos).

The thing about Dinghy Dock is that it lets us feel like amazing multi-taskers. We can drink, talk, sing and watch the water show, all at the same time. The guy who got tangled up in the dinghy anchor lines with his engine provided a fair amount of entertainment, we applauded his successful untangling, especially the people who's anchor lines he didn't sever...  These two, who were casting for sardines, also made a nice showing. No casts while I was watching, but it's one activity that I really love to watch...a water ballet.

This dog is also incredibly adept at balance, dancing on the very edge of falling in...without falling in. Better than a few of us.

 A bewhirlygigged pirate and one of his crew

 Neil, Wanda and cake! Does beer go with cake? Around here it does...

I'm not a cake person, or much of a football person either, but this cake was really good!

So goeth another day in Paradox. 

Have a superior Saturday! Do something stalwartly.

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